Friday, April 25, 2014

You'll never see Democrat Party leaders mocking the party faithful as Republican John Boehner mocks the conservative base of the GOP-Daniel Horowitz

4/25/14, "These are our leaders?" Daniel Horowitz, Madison Project

May 2011, ap
"Imagine the leaders of the Democrat Party mocking the party faithful.  Try to conjure up the image of Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid running false ads against liberal candidates. Save that thought in your mind because you will never see it in real life. Democrats harness the power of their base to advance the cause of their ideology and party platform.  Republican leaders, on the other hand, are at war with their party’s platform.

While speaking to a rotary club in his Ohio district, Speaker John Boehner had this to say about conservatives who are concerned about open borders:
“Here’s the attitude. Ohhhh. Don’t make me do this. Ohhhh. This is too hard,” Boehner whined before a luncheon crowd at Brown’s Run County Club in Madison Township.
“We get elected to make choices. We get elected to solve problems and it’s remarkable to me how many of my colleagues just don’t want to. … They’ll take the path of least resistance.”
Boehner said he’s been working for 16 or 17 months trying to push Congress to deal with immigration reform.
“I’ve had every brick and bat and arrow shot at me over this issue just because I wanted to deal with it. I didn’t say it was going to be easy,” he said.
Yes, Mr. Boehner. We actually want to solve the immigration problem.

We want to deal with the problem of criminals being let out of jail.

We want to deal with the problem of Obama suspending deportations.

We want to deal with birthright citizenship and other magnets that allow foreigners to violate our sovereignty and take advantage of the welfare state.

We want to make immigration work for the American people, not for your donors.

Sadly, you have no interest in joining us in combating the President’s malfeasance.  You are the one who is too scared to make hard decisions.  It’s a lot easier to go along with the political class and cowardly hide behind the misleading canard of “reform” just for the purpose of pushing the same failed amnesty that has engendered endless cycles of illegal immigration and that is already spawning a new wave. It’s akin to saying conservatives are cowards for not dealing with “healthcare reform” because they don’t support Obamacare.

Oh, woops, Boehner is ostensibly saying that as well.

While mocking conservatives for fighting Obama on amnesty, Boehner made it clear that he has given up the fight over full repeal of Obamacare.
(To) repeal Obamacare …isn’t the answer. The answer is repeal and replace. The challenge is that Obamacare is the law of the land. It is there and it has driven all types of changes in our health care delivery system. You can’t recreate an insurance market overnight.
Which means that he has no intention to repeal it.

It’s funny how we warned those who opposed the effort to defund Obamacare that they would never repeal it at a later date.  They denied the charge at the time; now they are embracing it.

What about the House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor?

He is being challenged by Dave Brat, a little-known economics professor with almost no money.  Yet, amazingly, Cantor is up with a negative ad that is appallingly dishonest. Cantor is not man enough to run ads touting his enthusiastic support for amnesty.

Folks, this is GOP leadership for you.  And this is the leadership we will continue to have if we fail to take back the party."

1/5/11, "House Speaker-designate John Boehner of Ohio walks out of his home on Capitol Hill in Washington this morning, prior to the start of the 112th Congress." AP. In Nov. 2010 we rescued the GOP from near extinction but it turned out they didn't want to be rescued. They wanted to destroy the Republican brand and be junior partners of the radical left Democrat Party. GOP 'leaders' have no ideology separate from Democrats. To top it off, they're rude, sarcastic, and whiny.


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