Friday, April 25, 2014

GOP Ruling Class sabotage apparently now taken for granted in important elections as implied in reasoning in upcoming Georgia Republican primary

One of the reasons Editor Erick Erickson gives for endorsing Karen Handel for Senate from Georgia in the upcoming Republican primary is that we have no chance against the Ruling Class anyway:

4/23/14, "Karen Handel for Senate," Erick Erickson, RedState

"If (Paul) Broun is in the runoff, while I’d gladly support him, I think you’d see the establishment pour every penny they have into crushing him. He’d either limp badly out of the runoff or we’d wind up with someone worse."...


Comments at RedState to Erickson's choice 


Comment: Ruling Class operative Steve Moore must be pleased that Republican Paul Broun wasn't Erickson's top pick:

Steve Moore, new hire as chief economist at the Heritage Foundation while remaining an editor and columnist for the Wall St. Journal, was a guest on John Batchelor's radio program Thursday evening, Feb. 20, 2014. Batchelor was accompanied by his frequent guest Mary Kissel of the Wall St. Journal editorial page. Mr. Batchelor cited Moore's past connection with the Club for Growth among his bona fides. The bona fides Moore displayed on Batchelor's show were strictly Beltway Ruling Class and Sabotage Republican. Among Moore's gems:

Steve Moore laughed about what a joke he thinks Georgia Republican Paul Broun is on topics like evolution and about Obama enacting Soviet style government. Moore says he just wishes Republicans could run people for office that everyone didn't laugh at.  

Sounding like he'd just stepped off a plane from Davos, Moore also said: 

"The Tea Party is moving Republican Party in a dangerous anti-science direction." And...

"The Tea Party wants ideological purity."

Moore's "dangerous anti-science" outburst came near the end of the segment. I don't recall them chatting about global warming but I missed the opening of the segment so maybe it was discussed then. Otherwise, I'm not sure what he meant.

I looked up "Steve Moore anti-science" in google and he came up pretty well himself.

Steve Moore is supposedly knowledgeable on economic matters. If he decides he wants to be helpful, he might explain:

1. Why did the US economy fail so terribly under George Bush and cause a worldwide depression? There were problems in addition to subprime mortgages, falling labor participation, and loss of manufacturing.

2. Since the crash didn't happen overnight and many people had to know what was going on, why weren't ordinary Americans given warning to protect ourselves?

3. No radical left ideologue can or will revive the US economy. What does Moore think should be done beginning immediately to change the US? For example, would he order a halt to all regulations for the foreseeable future? Would he cancel all regulations regarding CO2 such as the $18.5 billion in 2012 since CO2 isn't a pollutant and EPA has already said US actions can't effect global CO2?

4. Why hasn't George Bush apologized to the American people for destroying the country and delivering it to the radical left?


Apparently RedState is owned by Town Hall Media which also owns several other sites. Logos are at the bottom of the page at

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