Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ted Cruz is most popular politician in Texas, latest Public Policy Poll. Also, Cruz leads Texas GOP primary field by 11 points. 4/10-4/13

4/18/14, "Poll: Ted Cruz Most Popular Politician in Texas," Breitbart, Tony Lee

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the most popular politician in Texas, beating out Governor Rick Perry and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).

In addition, according to a new Public Policy Polling poll, Cruz leads the potential GOP 2016 field with 25% among Republican primary voters in Texas. Jeb Bush comes in second with 14%. Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, and Rick Perry are tied for third with 10% each. Chris Christie and Paul Ryan received 5% each in the poll, and Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio got 4% each. 

According to the poll, Texans do not want Perry, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2012, to run in 2016, with 23% thinking he should make a run "compared to 66% who think he should sit it out. Even among GOP primary voters, only 34% think he should make another bid, with 52% dissenting."

The poll, conducted by the left-leaning organization, surveyed 559 registered voters, including 294 GOP primary voters, from April 10-13. The survey's margin of error was +/- 4.1 percentage points and +/- 5.7 percentage points for the Republican-only poll." via Free Rep.


"This is not the same party that brought George W. Bush to the governor’s office 20 years ago....The locus of power now rests...with Cruz and the Tea Party wing."...Washington Post

3/5/14, "The real story in Texas primary is the ascendancy of GOP right wing," Washington Post, Dan Balz

"Establishment and tea party Republicans can comb through the results of Tuesday’s primaries in Texas and find something to feel good about. But the real story out of the state this winter is the degree to which the most conservative wing of the party is ascendant. This is not the same party that brought George W. Bush to the governor’s office 20 years ago....

The primary campaigns provided plenty of evidence of where the locus of power now rests in the Texas GOP, and it is with Cruz and the tea party wing....

The construct that this was a true test of the GOP establishment vs. the tea party misses the point.

As a new generation of leaders rises in the Lone Star State, there are few dissenters from the views of the party’s most conservative wing."


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