4/16/14, "Oil and gas production on federal lands is in free fall under Obama," Daily Caller, M. Bastasch
While energy production on federal lands has fallen in recent years,
production on private and state lands has boomed, according to CRS. Oil
production on non-federal lands has soared by 61 percent since 2009 and
natural gas production has jumped up 33 percent during that time.
“The huge success of the oil and natural gas industry increasing
energy security and bringing the country out of recession is despite,
not because of, the policies of this Administration,” Wigley said.
The CRS attributes much of the success of private and state lands to
“favorable geology and the relative ease of leasing from private
parties” for oil and to “big shale gas plays” for the success of natural
gas production.
But this discounts the vast oil and gas shale resources being closed off to development by the Obama administration, according to the Western Energy Alliance.
WEA says that CRS “doesn’t consider that federal lands atop the
Bakken, Niobrara and other major plays are lagging adjacent non-federal
lands. In addition, prospective shales like the Mancos are being kept
off limits by federal policies, so we do not truly know the extent of
shale plays predominated by federal lands.”
According to the conservative American Action Forum (AAF),
federal lands and waters hold about 43 percent of all domestic oil
reserves and 72 percent of oil shale acreage. But the Obama
administration has stifled energy production through long permitting
times and keeping more land off-limits to oil and gas drilling.
Last year, the Obama administration sold the lowest amount of oil and
gas leases since 1988 and approved the fewest drilling permits since
2002. Getting a permit approved on federal lands take 194 days on
average, according to government data. Drilling permitting on state
lands can take anywhere from a few days to about one month.
“North Dakota, which has dramatically increased oil and natural gas
production, provides an example that the country should follow,” Wigley
said. “With a business climate that encourages rather than constrains
energy development, it enjoys the lowest unemployment rate in the nation and huge budget surpluses.”"
The government's own figures state increased US energy self-sufficiency is despite the Obama administration. Obama can lie and take credit for it because he has no fear of his pals in the Republican Party:
11/13/2013, "Driving Toward Greater Energy Security," WhiteHouse.gov blog , Dan Utech
"Today, the Department of Energy announced that we’ve hit another
milestone on our path to a more secure energy future. In October,
domestic oil production exceeded crude oil imports for the first time
since 1995, while petroleum net imports were the lowest since February
1991. For energy, the last two decades have been a story of resurgence
and regaining control of our energy security, and this achievement
underscores the changes in how we produce and use energy.....
New technology, driven in part by research at the Department of Energy,
has helped to unlock new domestic energy supplies in places like North
Dakota and Texas. This month, oil production hit a 24-year high, bucking
a trend that saw more nearly two decades of decline and slipping
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