Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Republicans in their 5th year of refusing to criticize Obama-Rush Limbaugh

2/10/14, "The CBO Nuked the Democrats -- But Republicans Still Won't Criticize Obama," Rush Limbaugh

"RUSH:  I got an e-mail over the weekend.  It was from a friend, an inside baseball memo on what both McCain and Romney were advised by the consultants in both '08 and '12 (and I'm sure it's the whole party, not just the presidential campaigns), and the sum total of it was: "Whatever you do, do not criticize Obama's policies or what he says Do not go there!

"The American people don't want to hear it! They like him. He's the first black president. There's nothing to be gained. Don't do it," and so they're not.  So whoever is running Republican theory or strategy right now is the answer to your question, "Why isn't Boehner doing X?" Because somebody, somewhere in the upper levels of the Republican strategy machine (such that there is one) has been counseling against it ever since Obama hit the national scene.

CALLER:  Oh, this is so sad.

RUSH:  It is, because he's the president! Forget what color he is.  Forget what sex he is.  He's the president.  His policies carry the day.  If we've gotten to a point where we can't criticize the man's policies because of his race, we're stuck.

CALLER:  Very much so."...


Comment: This hides the big picture. The GOP only exists to help democrats. Neither McCain nor Romney had any intention of winning the presidential race, memos or not. Right after the Nov. 2012 election, John Boehner was so thrilled Obama had been re-elected he called GOP House members and said the GOP had been badly beaten, the country has spoken, now we must do what Obama wants.  In the early 2000's the GOP killed off the two party system and merged with Democrats with whom it shares devotion to massive central government and dependent voters. Reagan naming G. H. W. Bush his VP was the beginning of the end of the GOP. 


Rush Limbaugh was even attacked on Fox News by GOP 'insider' Ed Rollins in 2012 during the pres. campaign for saying the GOP won't criticize Obama. The GOP is quite serious about silencing free speech and preserving a one party dictatorship.

8/31/12, "The Obama Good Guy/Bad Guy Debate," Rush Limbaugh

"ROLLINS:  'The president and his team are not bad people in spite of Rush Limbaugh gonna criticize us for saying he's not a bad guy.  They just have a different viewpoint. And I think the viewpoint is that, you know, we need government to interfere, we need to redistribute wealth, government needs to be the referee. Our perspective is stay out of our way and let us just go.  Give us the freedom to go achieve the things that we want to achieve as an American.'

RUSH:  Where does this idea get started that I want the Republicans at the convention to say Obama's a bad guy?  I have no such desire. I've never stated that I want them to talk about Obama being a bad guy.  My express desire has been that there be some leadership....

While we're explaining who we are, all I've asked for is some ideology.  Just explain liberalism, just tell 'em who Obama is in that regard.  Obviously they didn't want to do it....All I've ever said is get some ideology in this. Explain what conservatism is.  Explain what liberalism is. It's so easy to do, and it's highly educational....

I did sort of blanch when I thought they were gonna say he's a good guy. A good guy does not accuse you of causing another man's wife to die of cancer.  A good guy does not accuse you of shoving Grandma over the cliff to die in a wheelchair. Nice guys, good guys, don't do that kind of stuff....

I wanted the country spoken up for and defended. I want the contrast drawn between people who think this country's guilty of something; that it was founded unjustly, immorally; that this country needs to be cut down to size; that this country's the problem in the world.  That needs to be rejected and I don't think it's a mistake to tie Obama to those beliefs.  That's what he believes. That's why he's doing what he's doing....

I know the Republicans are afraid of this deep emotional connection that some Obama voters have with Obama, and they're worried that they can't break it and they're only hope of breaking it is to agree he's such a nice, wonderful guy. But he's not....Nice guys don't attack small business. Nice guys do not blame the successful. Nice guys do not say that the rich get rich because they take from the poor. 

Did Reagan keep talking about what a nice guy Jimmy Carter was in 1980?  Did Reagan say, "Jimmy Carter, you know, he's a great guy, I love his peanuts."  We played you the clips of Reagan from his acceptance speech in 1980.  I don't remember Reagan saying, "Yeah, Carter, he's a great, great guy, good guy. Just a bad president."  Is Obama out there saying that Romney's a good guy?  Just a failed governor?  Is that what they're saying?  They're saying some pretty insulting things about Romney." images from Rush Limbaugh.com


Boehner nullifies all elections except Obama's. Fine, then GOP should all go home and refuse to accept any pay until at least 2017:

11/10/12, Boehner Tells House G.O.P. to Fall in Line, NY Times, by Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer

On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party’s electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress,

  • most members took their dose.
Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.

Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support — even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker’s side for much of this Congress.

It was a striking contrast to a similar call last year, when Mr. Boehner tried to persuade members to compromise with Democrats on a deal to extend a temporary cut in payroll taxes, only to have them loudly revolt.
With President Obama re-elected and Democrats cementing control of the Senate, Mr. Boehner will need to capitalize on the chastened faction of the House G.O.P. that wants to cut a deal to avert sudden tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts in January that could send the economy back into recession. After spending two years marooned between the will of his loud and fractious members and the Democratic Senate majority, the speaker is trying to assert control, and many members seem to be offering support.

“To have a voice at the bargaining table, John Boehner has to be strong,” said Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, one of the speaker’s lieutenants.Most members were just taught a lesson that you’re not going to get everything that you want. It was that kind of election.”...
Some Republican members appear ready to accede. 

The election was a wake-up call,” said one veteran Republican in the House. For many members, “everyone they knew hated Obama. ...And then we lost.”...

Others representing staunchly conservative districts see no reason to give in, even if the nation as a whole sided with the president on taxes."...


NPR is thrilled about the Boehner-Obama team:
12/8/12, “Once Boxed-In, Boehner May Finally Be Master Of The House,
NPR, Frank James


9/17/13, "The Obama-Boehner Project," Angelo M. Codevilla, libertylawsite.org

 Boehner's job is to give Obama what he wants.


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