Tuesday, February 11, 2014

GOP one-ups IRS against Tea Party groups, Republican donors threatened with being cut off from Ruling Class if they give to Tea Party groups-NY Times

In 2012 GOP Ruling Class and Chamber of Commerce lost 10+ key US Senate races and aim to do the same in 2014 to advance the democrat party and massive central government.

2/9/14, "Chastened G.O.P. Tries to Foil Insurgents at Primary Level," NY Times, Jeremy W. Peters

"Tea Party groups and other conservatives who are challenging the traditional party leadership say the pushback this year is as hostile as it has ever been.

I’ve been told by a number of donors to our super PAC’ that they’ve received calls from senior Republican senators,” said Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, which is supporting challengers to Republican incumbents across the country. The message from these donors was blunt: “I can’t give to you because I’ve been told I won’t have access to Republican leadership, Mr. Kibbe said. “So they’re playing hardball.”

Few have fought rougher than Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, who is facing a primary challenger at home and Tea Party angst in Washington. 

Under his direction, the National Republican Senatorial Committee cut ties with a prominent Republican advertising firm and pressed individual senators to do so as well because of its work with a group that targets incumbent Senate Republicans, the Senate Conservatives Fund. That group has accused the McConnell campaign of pressuring its bookkeeper into resigning because she feared that she would never get work from Republican candidates again.

He’s essentially joined the I.R.S. in targeting conservative groups,” said Matt Hoskins, the executive director of the Senate Conservatives Fund. “It’s all meant to intimidate.” Aides to Mr. McConnell had no comment."...


11/8/13, The Sabotage Republicans,by Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator


Rockefeller Republican John Danforth clears a path for the radical left

3/14/13, "Caddell Unloads on 'Racketeering' GOP Consultants," Breitbart News, Leahy


The Bush family helps democrats behind the scenes. George Bush trashed Romney during the campaign:

“He (George Bush) gets a regular drip feed of political news from Karl Rove and others--he’s been critical of Romney’s campaign and skeptical of his chances.”...(p. 2)

10/14/12, “(Jeb) Bush in the Wilderness, NY Magazine, Joe Hagen


11/28/12, "The Incestuous Bleeding of the Republican Party," Erick Erickson, RedState   


"Obama had 123 offices in Ohio, compared with Romney’s 40....Ohio was the greatest surprise of all. Romney pollster Neil Newhouse calculated that 209,000 more African-Americans voted this year than in 2008 in Ohio, while 329,000 fewer whites had voted."...

12/22/12, The story behind Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidential campaign to President Obama, Boston Globe, Michael Kranish


12/23/12, "Mitt's Son Says He Never Wanted to be President Anyway," Atlantic Wire, Connor Simpson

"If you thought the tale of how Mitt Romney lost the general election was already told, you would be wrong. Because there is so much left to tell, like how Mitt never wanted to be President anyway.  

At least, that's what Tagg Romney says in this new Boston Globe report on what went wrong with Romney's campaign....

He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life. He had no desire to . . . run,” said Tagg, who worked with his mother, Ann, to persuade his father to seek the presidency. “If he could have found someone else to take his place. . .he would have been ecstatic to step aside."...


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