Friday, January 3, 2014

MSNBC host Hayes says global warming group trapped in Antarctic ice was just trying to "save the planet"

Taxpayers picking up the tab for the rescue didn't even have the glory of being broadcast in Times Square on New Years Eve parting down as the Antarctic crew did.

1/3/14, "MSNBC's Chris Hayes complains of Drudge-fueled 'snow-trolling' on global warming," Washington Examiner, by Charlie Spiering

"MSNBC's Chris Hayes is tired of conservatives snarking about global warming every time it gets cold.

During his show Thursday evening, Hayes complained of the "strange bizarre underworld of climate trolls" that came to life when Matt Drudge ironically linked an article on the Drudge Report about cold weather....

Hayes also expressed frustration at conservatives for mocking global warming scientists after their ship froze in the ice in Antarctica.

"The right wing had a field day, pointing and laughing at the global warming believers, who just to be clear, are only a group of scientists risking their lives for no monetary gain and little glory in order to help save the planet," he said defensively." (end of article) via Drudge

1/2/14, Arrival of fossil-fueled Chinese helicopter to rescue global warming crew trapped in Antarctic ice, BBC


Comment: The point is that without massive amounts of fossil fuel paid for by taxpayers from several countries this group would certainly have died. Are these selfless global warming people going to reimburse taxpayers who in addition to loss of hard earned dollars didn't even have the glory of being broadcast in Times Square partying down on New Years Eve?

1/2/14, "Terence Corcoran: Science of climate change not on the same course as reality," Financial Post

"The key to success when stuck on a giant floe of irony is to pretend it doesn’t exist, which is exactly the trick performed by Prof. Chris Turney, leader of the global warming science expedition that was rescued Thursday by a Chinese icebreaker off the coast of Antarctica.

Aboard the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, a research vessel hunting for evidence of climate change in the world’s coldest polar extremity, Prof. Turney demonstrated his unflagging media skills by turning adversity into an opportunity.

On New Year’s Eve, he tweeted: “Just broadcast live to Times Square, to celebrate New Year with @AC360. Great fun! Definitely heading there next year!”

"Chris Turney @ProfChrisTurney

Just broadcast live to Times Square, to celebrate New Year with @AC360. Great fun! Definitely heading there next year! @alokjha @loztopham

But Hayes might want to remind himself that he believes this, because Hayes has linked CAGW to various droughts and high temperature readings in selected locations and even the lack of snow at the 2013 Iditarod."...via Tom Nelson


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