Sunday, January 5, 2014

Beltway lobbyist and John Boehner ally Steve LaTourette fights for big government and the UniParty via his group Main Street Partnership-NY Times

12/15/13, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo M. Codevilla,

1/3/14, "Tangled Role in G.O.P. War Over Tea Party," NY Times, Eric Lipton

"In the year since he stepped down from Congress, Steven C. LaTourette, a Republican from Ohio, has emerged as one of the top generals in the establishment Republicans’ war against the Tea Party. 

It is a role that has benefited the Main Street Partnership, a corporate-backed advocacy group he runs, and its effort to raise millions of dollars to protect centrist Republicans from Tea Party challengers. It has also helped draw clients to a separate lobbying office Mr. LaTourette and his wife have set up across the street from the Capitol. 

But this blitz of activity has led to complaints from Mr. LaTourette’s political opponents that under the guise of defending the Republican Party from extremists, he is profiting from his continued presence in the Washington spotlight. In addition, Mr. LaTourette’s activities have raised questions about whether, in his dual roles, the former congressman violated the federal statute that prohibits lawmakers from lobbying on Capitol Hill for a year after leaving office."...

""To be clear, I can't lobby Congress for a year," LaTourette emphasized. "I am not prohibited from talking to federal agencies. Most of my time will be spent on business development and working with clients who may have difficulties with federal agencies.""...

(continuing, NY Times): (parag. 6) "His work for the Main Street Partnership, he said, is focused solely on helping lawmakers who believe in the government’s ability to solve problems
(parag. 18) Chris Barron, a spokesman for the Main Street Partnership, said that none of the events that Mr. LaTourette participated in over the last year — including a dinner in June sponsored by the Main Street Partnership that featured the House speaker, John A. Boehner, and dozens of other members of Congress — violated the rules. Mr. LaTourette is permitted under the ethics rules to participate in political events that bring him into contact with current members of Congress.... 

Mr. LaTourette is not registered as a lobbyist — under the one-year ban, he was not allowed to lobby Congress until this month. But his wife, Jennifer LaTourette, and his former legislative aide, Hilary Fulp, registered as lobbyists for McDonald Hopkins Government Strategies, the new Washington subsidiary of an Ohio-based law firm that Mr. LaTourette established. 

Mr. LaTourette’s work on behalf of the nonprofit group has clearly drawn attention to his new lobbying venture. His lobbying firm’s website, for example, is filled with references to television and radio appearances Mr. LaTourette has made as a leader of the nonprofit group. And Mr. Barron, a spokesman for the Main Street Partnership, is also a spokesman for McDonald Hopkins, the lobbying firm. 

Mr. LaTourette’s lobbying practice has already developed a specialty in helping liberal-leaning causes gain the support of centrist Republicans."...via Free Rep.


1/8/13, Moderate Republican group to remove ‘Republican’ from name, welcome Democrats, Yahoo News, Chris Moody

1/8/13, "Boehner ally LaTourette joins lobby firm,"
The Hill, by Kevin Bogardus   

"His wife, Jennifer a former House and Senate aide and was vice president of one of K Street’s top firms, Van Scoyoc Associates."...


1/8/13, "Former Rep. Steve LaTourette and wife to start law firm's lobbying practice," Cleveland Plain Dealer


Ten+ 2012 US Senate races lost by 'business' side of the GOP


"The vast majority of “laws” governing the United States are not passed by Congress but are issued as regulations, crafted largely by thousands of unnamed, unreachable bureaucrats....The shift of authority has been staggering. The fourth branch now has a larger practical impact on the lives of citizens than all the other branches combined."... 

5/24/13, "The rise of the fourth branch of government," Washington Post, Jonathan Turley, opinion


"In 2011, the US Congress passed a total of 81 new “laws” while government agencies issued 3,807 new regulations."...  

7/22/12, "The Cost Of Government Regulation: $1.75 Trillion," Zero Hedge

"In the US, the federal government lists its regulations in what is called the Code of Federal Regulations. These rules of the economic “game” cover 169,000 pages and
more than ten new ones (laws) are added every day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. In 2011, the US Congress passed a total of 81 new “laws” while government agencies issued 3,807 new regulations....  
If there ever was an example of government without the consent of ANYONE - this is it."...


6/1/2007, Too Bad,” Peggy Noonan, Wall St. Journal, President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder.”

“What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future....But on immigration it has changed from “Too bad” to “You’re bad.”


The GOP killed itself off and joined the democrats during George Bush #1 and #2. They only came back to life to defeat the Tea Party:


6/17/2012, "The Coming of the Next American Republic," Richard Fernandez, Belmont Club

"The catastrophe happened, DeLong says, because the Founders forgot that factions could cooperate as well as compete through log-rolling as well as a host of other mechanisms. The interest groups had become...the Party of Incumbency and more broadly what Angelo de Codevilla termed the “court party” or the New American Ruling Class. They realized it was in their common interest to cooperate in order to put themselves collectively in charge of literally everything."...


2/20/13, As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned, Angelo Codevilla, Forbes
“Increasingly the top people in government, corporations, and the media collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old.”…  


The NY Times says the Tea Party "nearly captured control of the Republican Party:"

12/26/12, "Clout Diminished, Tea Party Turns to Narrower Issues," NY Times, Trip Gabriel

"The Tea Party might not be over, but it is increasingly clear that the election last month significantly weakened the once-surging movement, which nearly captured control of the Republican Party through a potent combination of populism and fury."... 


The NY Times hopes Karl Rove can save them from the Tea Party, describes him as "long the party’s tactical mastermind:" (4th parag. fr. end)

9/16/10, NY Times Editorial, "The Tea Party's Snarl."

"For both parties and certainly the broad swath of independent voters, defeating this new crop of Tea Party nominees has become imperative to avoid the sense of national embarrassment from each divisive and offensive utterance, each wacky policy proposal."... 


Link for the following article is inactive but the piece makes the point that the status quo survived a major threat, ie they defeated the Tea Party:

12/26/12, "N.Y. Times Article On Tea Party Demise Has A Decidedly Florida Flavor," Tom Tillison, Florida Political Press 
"From it’s very inception, there has been an ongoing quest to define the Tea Party. A required first step for politicians and media in minimizing the greatest threat to the status quo this country has seen since the 1960’s.
There have also been plenty of individuals willing to assist in this endeavor. Channeling their inner P.T. Barnum, they eagerly step forward and proclaim themselves figureheads of the movement.  Even still, the results have been hit and miss.
So much so that the media decided to ‘create’ it’s own definition of the Tea Party, with the politicians only too happy to play along since it served the same need.  The end result being a steady drumbeat of misplaced criticism that slowly eroded any positive image the movement may have had.
For those who are paying attention, there’s a process that plays itself out again and again in this country.  Media ‘giants’ that serve as the mouthpiece of the Progressive Left, more often than not originating with the N.Y. Times, put out a narrative that lo and behold slowly disseminates across the land.  Much like a ripple across a pond....

2/14/11, "Rush Limbaugh: 'Tea party was under assault at CPAC'," World Net Daily, Drew Zahn 


An example of the Tea Party being hijacked:

1/2/2010, "On the Backs of Tennessee's Middle Class (or, The Story Behind Tea Party Nation's Dishonest Beginnings)," Kevin Smith

"There’s a lot behind the formation of Tea Party Nation that needs to be understood by well-meaning activists for liberty and establishment political operatives alike. Why am I just now writing about this?  

It’s become clear to me that Judson and his for-profit Tea Party Nation Corporation are at the forefront of the GOP’s process of hijacking the tea party movement. What began as cries for true liberty and a public showing of frustration with the big government policies of both Democrats and Republicans has now been co-opted by mainstream Republican demagogues."...

 “This is the Cancer”

"Some parts of the tea party movement have been taken over by the national Republican establishment. Some are being courted. Still, a vast number of tea party groups in America are truly operating on the grass-roots level. The true tea partiers in America still believe in and strive to achieve limited government, individual liberty, and free markets. The last thing we desire is to replace big government Democrats with big government Republicans who are equally as intent on trampling our liberties and invading our rights for merely different reasons than the Democrats."...


Comment: We could've defeated the democrats. It turned out the GOP didn't want us to defeat democrats. The GOP had joined the democrats and the media. Leaving half of America without representation. 

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