Thursday, September 26, 2013

Incredibly, Ken Cuccinelli campaign sounding like re-run of McCain and Romney campaigns which means he will lose to McAuliffe


9/25/13, "Twilight Zone: Cuccinelli, McAuliffe Spar over Shutdown (AG disses Cruz??)" Washington Compost ^ | 2013-09-25 | Washington Compost (Video), Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:41:24 AM by parksstp, Free Republic poster

"Virginia gubernatorial candidates Ken Cuccinelli (R) and Terry McAuliffe (D) spared briefly over the possibility of a government shutdown, especially after Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Tex.) 21 hour remarks on defunding Obamacare. (Courtesy of NBC)

(Excerpt) Read more at ..."


By  parksstp:

"Seriously, have we entered the Twilight Zone? Forget about the fact for the moment that it seems inconceivable why the VA GOP would agree to a debate with F Chuck Todd as the moderator. I mean, really?
Todd does his best to try to pin Cuccinelli to Cruz's 21 hour speech or put him on record to be against it. Sadly, Ken gave the same wishy-washy response that we keep hearing from the GOP-elites in DC today, that it "would be great to defund Obamacare, but at some point we have to compromise....[to avoid a shutdown]", essentially dissing Cruz's actions. 

This is inexplicable. Cuccinelli's been known as a man of principle, the first person to take on Obamacare in the Courts, and should be standing up with Cruz, praising his actions. 

It seems his team of advisers have opted to "play it safe". They must truly believe that they are outnumbered and that a shutdown of any type in Northern Virginia will spell doom for Ken, meaning they are already defeatist and accepting that any shutdown will result in the public holding only Republicans accountable.

I have to apologize to some VA Freepers from a few months ago who were concerned about this race. I thought there was no way McCauliffe would be competitive with Cuccinelli. Now it's looking like he is in some serious trouble. Statements like these won't go unnoticed by the base. 

If I were Ken, I'd be trying to schedule a rally with Cruz ASAP. Stand up for your beliefs and be unforgiving about them. If you can't win as a conservative, then that's on the voting populace and they get the Government they deserve. But if you don't give your base a reason to come out and support you, you won't have a fighting chance anyway. 

Seriously, State Governors and legislators need to come support Cruz. This is ridiculous the man is having to fight this alone.

Here's a counter example: Let's say 4 years ago, a law was passed privatizing Social Security that was slated to go into full effect on 1 Oct 2013. If the tables were turned and the Dems controlled the House and we ran the Senate and had a Palin in the White House, and Nancy Pelosi passed a House Bill to fund the Govt to Nov 15, but removed funding for setting up the privatization program, what do you think the Senate Rats in the Minority would do? Would Harry Reid keel over and accept cloture/defeat that Social Security would be forever privatized and allow a bill back to the House by McConnell that strips the defunding provision for the private accounts program? I think we know the answer to that question. They'd allow the Gov't to get shut down and try to place blame on us and would be filibustering like crazy. Despite our landslide 2012 Victory using the same logic they are now to show Elections matter, they would scoff at it.

It's time to grow a spine. It's time to fight back. All these Congressmen got elected in 2010 to fight the government intrusions of our freedom on things such as Obamacare. In future elections, it's going to be crucial for the Tea Party and conservative outlets to sort out the talkers from the doers. Talk is cheap. What's the point of being Pro-life, Pro-2nd Amendment, Pro-liberty, etc if you aren't going to defend those stances when the time matters? And if you know those positions are just and right for getting America and it's citizens to achieve it's maximum potential, what's the point if you can't effectively articulate these views to the people who need it most....

This was the brilliance of the Cruz 21-hour speech. It was communicated effectively to the point that everyone could understand what he was talking about. It was respectful, tactful, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, it was EFFECTIVE. 

The GOP no longer seems to have any faith in reaching the low-information voter, assuming that the principles of conservatism are beyond the simple man's comprehension, while Ted Cruz does not. Reagan most certainly did not.

Many of us have conservative friends, but this wasn't meant for us as much as it was meant for people we have had difficulty reaching. The media knew this which is why they tried to sum the whole 21 hour speech into a "Green Eggs and Ham" reference....
If Cuccinelli is smart, he and others will join Cruz, not diss him.

1 posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:41:24 AM by parksstp"
To: parksstp
Terry McAuliffe was a pathological liar under Clinton. Watch his interviews... don’t take my word for it. He still is.

But if the people of Virginia want him, fine. Just watch your paycheck, your wallet and your liberty (if you even care). If you vote for him you’ll get less of all 3 and you’ll deserve it.
Enjoy your poverty box. You deserve it and should ALWAYS vote for more of the same.
2 posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013 2:03:37 AM by navyguy (The National Reset Button is pushed with the trigger finger.)"

"To: parksstp
Forget about the fact for the moment that it seems inconceivable why the VA GOP would agree to a debate with F Chuck Todd as the moderator. I mean, really?
Agreed. It makes me question Cuccinelli's judgment. I mean, would McAuliffe agree to Mark Levin as a moderator?

Anyway, Cuccinelli needed to have a better answer ready. He could have said he stood with Cruz and then briefly described the nightmare that is Ubama's Mengelecare. As far as the "shutdown of government", he could have simply stated that he hoped it wouldn't come to that, but that he was running for governor, not for Congress, and that he believed the congress would eventually work things out. Whatever. There are strong ways to deflect set-up questions, and Cuccinelli needs to figure them out if he is going to be stupid enough to agree to a partisan rat moderator.

3 posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013 2:22:03 AM by Lancey Howard"
Comment: Especially stunning in that Mark Levin has been a big supporter of Cuccinelli. I'm pretty sure Mr. Levin wouldn't support a candidate who didn't support Ted Cruz and will be surprised to hear of this.

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