Thursday, September 26, 2013

If GOP establishment can't follow through after Ted Cruz accomplishment, what's the point of winning? Rush Limbaugh

9/25/13, "If the GOP Establishment Can't Follow Through Now, What's the Point of Winning?" Rush Limbaugh

McConnell, Cornyn, et al.
"RUSH: You know, all we've heard from the Drive-By Media and the rest of the Beltway establishment is how the GOP needs to reach out. Right? GOP needs to reach out to other people, needs to broaden its base. Well, Cruz has been reaching out like nobody's business.
Ted Cruz has made a greater effort and expended more energy reaching out than anybody recently I can recall in the Republican Party.  His grassroots efforts, his petition to sign the petition to defund Obamacare, and now his filibusterOf course this is not the kind of outreach the establishment is talking about. They mean the kind of outreach that reaches out to Democrat voters, by embracing those positions. That's what the Washington establishment right now wants. 

Cruz is having none of it. ...

If the Republican Party cannot follow through on its promise to voters to oppose Obamacare -- and they all did; Senator Cornyn, Senator McConnell, I can quote any number of these people and what they've said about Obama over the years -- if they can't follow through now and oppose this, then what is the point of winning? Seriously. What's the point of winning if you're not even gonna try to stop the most egregious, outrageous assault on the very traditions and institutions of this country that we've seen?  Why do you even want to win? And the answer is, they want to be in control of the money, 'cause it's apparently about that, not about ideas." (images above and below from



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