6/19/13, "TWICE AS MANY Turn Out at DC Tea Party Rally Than Go See Obama in Berlin," Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft
"The Tea Party Patriots held their Audit The IRS Rally
today on the West Lawn of the US Capitol. Speakers included: Sen. Rand
Paul, Sen. Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Jenny Beth
Martin, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Dave Camp, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Jim
Jordan, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Dana Loesch, Jim Hoft, Niger Innis, etc. and
several Tea Party Leaders."
6/19/13, Sen. Ted Cruz arrives to speak at Tea Party Patriots rally at the US Capitol, photo Washington Times
6/19/13, Tea Party Patriots rally at US Capitol, William Temple in 3 corner hat, photo Washington Times
6/19/13, 'Audit This' sign, Tea Party Patriots rally in DC, via Twitchy
Many more fotos and video at Twitchy
The Tea Party Patriots estimated between 10,000 and 15,000 turned out for the rally. top photo by Andrew Marcus
6/19/13, "Live Blogging the ‘Audit the IRS’ Rally in Washington DC → With Streaming Video From Today’s Rally," Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft
6/10/13, "A loud and empty suit in the Chicago style," Quadrant Online, Australia, by Daryl McCann
"The President of the United States appears to have declared peace in the world and war on Americans."
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