Thursday, June 20, 2013

Denial of Northern European climate by Obama and his staff contributed to his poor, sweaty speech in Berlin observes commenter

6/20/13, "Barack Obama bombs in Berlin: a weak, underwhelming address from a floundering president," UK Telegraph, Nile Gardiner

 Climate commenter to article at
 "Reply 8 - Posted by: david kahane, 6/20/2013 2:46:39 AM   

One of the worst speeches in the history of the American presidency. Plus  

*his moron staff had him facing west, 
*right into the (rare) Berlin sunlight, 
*behind a glass wall, forgetting that 
*in northern Europe right about now, 
*the sun stays up until about 10 p.m. 

Nice work all around, Team Barry!" 

6/19/13, Obama sweating and squinting during Berlin speech due to lack of climate knowledge, photo UK Telegraph


6/20/13, "Barack Obama bombs in Berlin: a weak, underwhelming address from a floundering president," UK Telegraph, Nile Gardiner

"Obama sounded more like the president of the European Commission than the leader of the free world. It is never a good sign when a US president parrots the language of a Brussels bureaucrat when he is supposed to be a champion of freedom. Obama’s distinctly unimpressive speech in Berlin was another dud from a floundering president whose leadership abroad is just as weak as it is at home. (end of article)...

In stark contrast to that of his presidential predecessors, Barack Obama’s message on Wednesday was pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance. This was a speech big on platitudes and hopeless idealism, while containing much that was counter-productive for the world’s superpower. Ultimately it was little more than a laundry list of Obama’s favourite liberal pet causes, including cutting nuclear weapons, warning about climate change, putting an end to all wars, shutting Guantanamo, ending global poverty, and backing the European Project. It was a combination of staggering naiveté, the appeasement of America’s enemies and strategic adversaries, and the championing of more big government solutions. 

There was little in this speech that advances US interests,, or makes the world a safer place. Completely missing from Obama’s address was a call for the West to stand up to the rising threat of Islamist militancy, the defence of Christians facing huge levels of persecution and intimidation in the Middle East, strong condemnation of Iran and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and any criticism of growing authoritarianism in Russia. The president paid lip service to the NATO alliance, which has proved critical in preserving Europe’s security for over 60 years, but made no call for the alliance to be strengthened in the wake of waning support and investment in Europe."...


Obama's remarks about "climate" in Berlin:

6/19/12, Rush Limbaugh transcript, Obama in Berlin about global warming:

"OBAMA:  With a global middle class consuming more energy every day, this must now be an effort of all nations, not just some. For the grim alternative affects all nations: More severe storms, more famine and floods, new waves of refugees, coastlines that vanish, oceans that rise.  This is the future we must divert.  This is the global threat of our time, and for the sake of future generations, our generation must move toward a global compact to confront a changing climate before it is too late.  That is our job.  That is our task."


Comment: The massive crime of Global Warming and ‘action’ to fight it were institutionalized in US government in 1990 by George Bush the 1st in the U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990. CO2 is mentioned near the end in Sec. 204, item 4. The Bush family has long sought a way to silence ordinary Americans. It's fine that Obama's words are a knife in the back of America, a big win for organized crime, EU and UN parasites, and nothing to do with climate science. Genocide hasn't been this easy since a bunch of people drank Kool Aid. The GOP owes Obama big time for helping them beat the Tea Party:


In 2011 at one of lowest points in US history, GOP says they're fine with democrat policies:

2/10/2011, "Issa 'wouldn't feel bad' if Obama reelected due to strong economy," The Hill, by Michael O'Brien

"It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for President Obama to win reelection, one of his top Republican critics said Thursday....

I certainly wouldn't feel bad if Americans were working again, and he did get another four years."...

"My goal is to strengthen the president," Issa said Thursday....


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