3/18/13, "GOP roadmap calls for immigration reform," AP, Steve Peoples, via Tulsa World
Republican National Committee will formally endorse immigration reform
on Monday and outline plans for a $10 million outreach to minority
groups — gay voters among them — as part of a multi-step roadmap
designed to make the GOP more "welcoming and inclusive" for voters who
overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2012....
To broaden its appeal, the party must reach out to minority voters and
others, according to one recommendation in the report obtained by The
Associated Press before its release: "We must embrace and champion
comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our party's appeal will
continue to shrink," it said....
The RNC will also push for a tone of "tolerance and respect" in the
immigration debate,
create "senior level advisory councils" focused on
minority groups, and
establish "swearing in citizenship teams"
connect with new voters immediately after swearing-in ceremonies.
"We need to go to communities where Republicans do not normally go to
listen and make our case," the report says. "We need to campaign among
Hispanic, black, Asian and gay Americans and
demonstrate that we care
about them, too."...
Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary under former president George
W. Bush, and Sally Bradshaw, a veteran strategist and top adviser to
former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, were among those leading the inquiry.
Republican National Committeeman Henry Barbour, a GOP strategist and
nephew of former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, was also part of the
group. RNC members Zori Fonalledas of Puerto Rico and Glenn McCall of
South Carolina rounded out the five-person committee that listened to
Republicans' ideas and frustrations."...
Ed. note: They can do whatever they want, I was just wondering why they never fought for border security. Also, what are the top 5 major differences between the GOP and the Democrat Party?
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