Monday, March 18, 2013

BBC headline sells Obama as 'rock star' despite lack of evidence for such a claim, perhaps seeks to goose Obama speech to 'skeptical Israel.' BBC finds quotester as dazzled as they are about Obama (or against Israel)

President Obama Job Approval, Real Clear Politics, 2/21-3/16/13, Average of 9 polls: Approval  48.2, Disapproval, 46.3. Not a 'rock star.'

3/17/13, "Rock-star Obama, meet sceptical Israel," BBC

"But it is the speech at a convention centre in Jerusalem, where he will talk directly to the Israeli public and the public watching at home, that is the real centrepiece of this trip.

Martin Indyk, former US ambassador to Israel, says: "He's a rock star. They will welcome him. He's bound to get a bounce. And that is very important. This is a public who will punish a prime minister who mishandles his relationship with a popular president."...

[Ed. note: The BBC is anxious for democrats to stay in power in the US but Obama is not a "rock star" nor is he particularly popular. (See average of 9 polls posted at top). He was re-elected virtually by default, the same way he was elected the first time. The alleged opposition party, the GOP, deliberately chose a weak candidate who offered little alternative. The GOP likes big government as much as democrats do and wanted Obama re-elected for that reason and one other reason. The GOP's #1 goal is to silence conservative grassroots also known as the Silent Majority or the Tea Party (citation 14 parags. from end of page at link). They want to be left alone. NPR even said GOP House Speaker Boehner benefited by Obama's re-election].

(continuing): ""Netanyahu eats [opinion] polls for breakfast. He will know if the balance changes."...
The downside of a speech that lavishes praise on Israel is that it may worsen Obama's image in the Arab world, where it has crashed from the dizzy heights of 2009.

The 2009 Cairo speech raised expectations so high that when little flowed from it many were gravely disillusioned.

Several experts on the region have told me that the Arab world expects little of Obama. People are no longer listening.

Syria and Iran are officially top of the trip's agenda. But everyone wants to know what the president will say about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He's told both Jewish and Arab Americans that he won't come with any grand peace plan.
No wonder."...


"Obama re-election helped GOP House Speaker Boehner": NPR

12/8/12, "Once Boxed-In, Boehner May Finally Be Master Of The House," NPR, Frank James

"In a paradoxical way, Obama's re-election victory coupled with congressional Democrats adding to their numbers may have helped Boehner. Some of those wins came at the expense of the Tea Party, the conservative movement whose affiliated House members have been very willing to stand up to Boehner.

In recent weeks, Boehner...has gotten his entire leadership team to sign his tax-raising, fiscal-cliff counteroffer....

Despite complaints from conservative activists and bloggers, however, Boehner remains the most powerful Republican in Washington.".


GOP was thrilled after Obama's re-election, immediately told elected House members that they had to shut up because Obama won. 3 more citations about GOP in effect nullifying all elections except Obama's. Boehner twice gives NY Times the inside story:

11/10/12, Boehner Tells House G.O.P. to Fall in Line,” NY Times, by Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer

On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party’s electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress,
most members took their dose.
Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.

Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support — even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker’s side for much of this Congress."...


12/6/12, "Boehner gains strong backing from House Republicans," NY Times, Steinhauer

"Many House Republicans appear to view Mr. Boehner with the same sort of respect that adult children award their parents for the sage counsel they ignored in their younger days....

On Wednesday, in a private meeting between Mr. Boehner and House Republicans, member after member spoke in support of him, in some cases saying a deal they would have rejected six months ago would most likely be taken today....

“I think the presidential election has something to do with it,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. “We understand that we’re going to have to deal with Obama for four more years. Also, there is an understanding that this is a very serious situation.""...
[Ed. note: It makes sense Kinzinger is front and center with an obsequious quote. Establishment GOP donated to his campaign in 2012 against a Tea Party supported candidate and he won.]


GOP 'leaders' tell GOP House majority members to pretend they're really a minority, and that the only election that matters is Obama's:

1/19/13, "A minority posture for House GOP," The Hill, by Hooper, Berman  

"House Republicans appeared to be coming to grips with a stark realization as they returned to Washington from a three-day retreat here — they have a majority in name only.

The party begins the 113th Congress with reduced numbers and confronting a popular president and an increased Democratic majority in the Senate."...


25+ more citations on Beltway GOP's aggressive actions against the Tea Party to make sure if any Republicans were elected they would act like democrats:


4/10/12, "GUEST COLUMN: Why GOP Young Guns program is deceptive,"

Illinois primary

"Young Guns is a program of the National Republican Congressional Campaign (NRCC), which bills itself as committed to building the "next generation of conservative leaders." Those words are from the home page of the project's website

The website is misleading. While Young Guns solicits donations from Tea Party and conservative donors, the GOP house leaders that run the program actually use it to elect GOP moderates over conservatives.

The corruption doesn't end there. Insiders that work for the NRCC actually use the money generated by the program to promote friends and business associates, "encouraging" candidates to hire certain consultants before they will get support.

The campaign manager of one conservative candidate used the word "extortion" to explain how the sordid system works. Here is a real world example. 

In what political reporter John Gizzi of Human Events described as, "the nastiest primary of the year so far," Representative Adam Kinzinger defeated  20-year veteran [and Tea Party supported] Congressman Don Manzullo. The Manzullo vs. Kinzinger race gave us a glimpse of how the program works. Manzullo is a strong conservative with a lifetime American Conservative Union (ACU) rating of 96, compared to the more moderate Kinzinger, who scores a miserable 72 out of 100 from the ACU.

When two members face off against each other, it is unusual for the GOP leadership to choose sides. But in this case, the Young Guns Action Fund unleashed a $50,000 advertising blitz, which deceptively called the more moderate Kinzinger "an important part of the next generation of conservative leaders" and "a conservative rock in the fight against runaway government spending."

Illinois conservatives were furious about what they saw as a betrayal by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the leader of the Young Guns Action Fund."...

[Ed. note: Cantor's Deputy Chief of Staff and former Deputy Chief of Staff are listed as Young Guns Action Fund's leaders, so technically Cantor can say he's not involved: "The (Young Guns) super PAC is run by two Cantor aides, John Murray and Brad Dayspring. Murray, Cantor’s deputy chief of staff, founded and currently runs all three components of the “Young Guns” brand."...]  


4/19/12, "K Street and Tea Party again fight for soul of GOP," Washington Examiner, Timothy P. Carney 


GOP establishment spent almost $600,000 against a Tea Party candidate for US Senate from Indiana:

 4/19/12, "Senate Races 2012: Republican Establishment Tries To Tamp Down Tea Party Insurgency," Huffington Post, Paul Blumenthal

"Last week, the American Action Network, a conservative group with ties to the Republican Party in Washington, D.C., launched a campaign of negative ads against Mourdock, costing $590,000. Major donors, including former fundraisers for President George W. Bush and McCain, are putting money into pro-Lugar super PACs."...


Yet another GOP estab. fountain of cash to make the US permanently far left:

"The American Action Network,"

"The American Action Network was formed in February 2010 by Norm Coleman, a former Republican senator from Minnesota, and Rob Collins, a former chief of staff to House Minority Whip Eric Cantor....Prominent board members of the network also include Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Ed Gillespie, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee."...


5/2/12, "Will The Tea Party Fight or Retreat?" Erick Erickson,

"Last night in Wisconsin the state Republican Party tried a few parliamentary maneuvers to drive tea party members from the ranks of the GOP. For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, the Wisconsin GOP seems willing to sacrifice tea party energy in the Scott Walker recall in order to save [has-been Bush crony]Tommy Thompson’s Senate bid.

In Indiana, Eric Cantor has weighed in on behalf of Barack Obama’s favorite Republican Senator, Dick Lugar. Just as every major conservative group lines up with Richard Mourdock, Eric Cantor begins urging Democrats to turn out for Lugar.

But Indiana and Wisconsin are not the only playing field. More and more reporters are rumbling that Eric Cantor is going to actively engage in House races to combat the tea party. He wants a more docile, pliable, controllable caucus — 

one that will do as it is told by its party leaders,  

not its constituents."...


The GOP establishment lost a March 2012 special election to the Tea Party "in a stunning upset." Wenstrup "secured key conservative support – winning the endorsement of the Anderson Tea Party and the Ohio Liberty Council, a coalition of Ohio Tea Party groups." The Tea Party candidate was such "a loser" that he defeated his democrat opponent in the Nov. 2012 general election 59-41%:

3/6/12, "In Upset, Schmidt Goes Down in Ohio,", HotlineOnCall, Scott Bland

"In a stunning upset, Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, lost the 2nd District Republican primary to veteran Brad Wenstrup Tuesday night, falling short in her reelection bid eight months before Election Day. The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that Schmidt phoned Wenstrup to concede. With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Wenstrup led Schmidt 49 percent to 43 perce

Schmidt's defeat marks the first tea party upset of 2012, proving the movement still has legs after 2010....
Schmidt had outspent Wenstrup more than three-to-one."...
3/7/12, "Wenstrup stuns Schmidt," 


2/9/13, "Mitch McConnell Had Previously Floated Karl Rove Idea To Target Weak Tea Party Candidates," Huffington Post, Peter H. Stone 

"The (American Action) Network has focused mainly on helping the GOP win House races, but Malek pointed out that his group had also run ads in some Senate primaries: The group ran ads to help Kelly Ayotte, who won in New Hampshire, and Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, who lost his primary battle to conservative darling Richard Mourdock, who went on to lose in November.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again in the future if we saw the need,” Malek said." 


A Tea Party supported African American is a US Senator from South Carolina:

12/18/12, "Welcome to the Senate, Mr. Scott," Erick Erickson,

"The Tea Party, which pushed both Nikki Haley and Tim Scott as candidates, is far more diverse than the Republican establishment. Josh Kraushaar also notices this over at National Journal.

The much maligned and supposed bigoted tea party backed Ted Cruz against David Dewhurst, Marco Rubio against Charlie Crist, Tim Scott against a number of challengers in his 2010 congressional race, Allen West, and more. As a result of the Tea Party, the GOP has a much more diverse bench than if its party leaders were left to their own devices.

Tim Scott is no Jim DeMint. He will, undoubtedly and perhaps a bit disappointingly, work more with the Senate Republican Leaders who helped get us to $16 trillion in national debt and opposed tea party picks like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and even Pat Toomey, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee. 

Tim Scott will also be his own man and presents another young face for the Republican Party. It stands as a remarkable achievement in the history of this nation that the city of Charleston, SC, to which one must travel to get to Ft. Sumter, would put Tim Scott in the United States House of Representatives. 

It is as remarkable that the State of South Carolina, so often painted as an unrepentant hotbed of secessionist bigots by the left, would elevate Tim Scott to the United States Senate."...


Tea Party volunteers have succeeded where Karl Rove and his millions have failed:

12/18/12, "Tea Party Detractors Cry Foul After Governor Haley Appoints Rep. Tim Scott to U.S. Senate," Breitbart, Kevin L. Martin

"Even the Republican establishment has been silent on the selection on Tim Scott, which is surprising as the establishment seems to forget how poorly it appealed minority voters in the most recent presidential election. Once again, the Republican establishment is a day late and dollar short. The Tea Party Movement has done what all the Rove whiteboards and high paid consultants have not been able to since 2006.

In reality, the establishment sees the appointment as a slap in the face to them and thus no official statement was made."...   


Karl Rove's 10 biggest losers in 2012:

2/4/13, "Top 10 establishment Republicans who lost senate races in 2012,", Steven Holmes

To see the list on one page.  


11/20/12, “How the GOP can avoid the next Todd Akin,” Kansas City Star, Chris Chocola, commentary

In the wake of some missed opportunities to pick up seats in the U.S. Senate over the last few cycles, one tactical change floated by the GOP establishment is that the party apparatus and its affiliated Super PACs should play a more influential role in primaries to make sure that more “electable” candidates are nominated.

It is hard to imagine a bigger mistake.

First, let’s review the Senate races where the Republicans nominated so-called “electable” establishment candidates in 2012:

  • Denny Rehberg in Montana,
  • Rick Berg in North Dakota,
  • Heather Wilson in New Mexico,
  • George Allen in Virginia,
  • Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin.
All were establishment favorites because they were all “electable.” All of them lost. 

Second, let’s review the recent history of the Republican establishment’s choices of candidates in high-profile Republican primaries against fiscal conservatives. The names that come to mind include
  •  Dede Scozzafava,
  • Arlen Specter, and
  • Charlie Crist.
All were supported by the Republican Party establishment as the most “electable” in their respective races. These stellar “Republican” candidates ended up either endorsing the Democratic candidate in the race or became Democrats themselves.

Finally, let’s review the candidates that ended up winning races where the Republican establishment initially opposed them. Most instructive are the names
  • Pat Toomey,
  • Marco Rubio, and
  • Ted Cruz.
All of those candidates were deemed unelectable or outside the mainstream in the past, and yet now they are viewed as major parts of the future of the Republican Party."...


In 2012 alone Rove lost 10 GOP Senate races. Rove flipped the House and Senate from Republican to Democrat while a Republican President (George Bush) sat in the White House. It’s logical that Obama officials, the NY Times,  and far left CBS News Political Director John Dickerson laud Rove.


10/22/10, “Karl Rove’s Flameout” The Daily Beast, Matt Latimer


11/16/12,  “Republicans Allowed Karl Rove to Mislead Them Again, Daily Beast, Matt Latimer
The NY Times hopes Karl Rove can save them from the Tea Party, describes him as “long the party’s tactical mastermind:” (4th parag. fr. end)

9/16/10, NY Times Editorial, “The Tea Party’s Snarl.”


The Democrat Party's secret weapon Karl Rove isn't just out there raising money, alleged GOP "leaders" invite him into the House of Representatives where our elected reps are forced to meet with him and listen to his loser ideas:

2/14/13, "Karl Rove Huddles With House Republican Leaders," BuzzFeed, John Stanton

"Republican strategist Karl Rove huddled with a group of House GOP leaders in the office Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy Thursday morning to discuss the party's messaging efforts, Republicans familiar with the meeting said.

Details of Rove's presentation to a group of McCarthy's "whip team" — a subset of the broader conference tasked with educating the rank and file, rounding up votes on key bills and generally enforcing discipline within Republican ranks.

Following the meeting, several lawmakers could be heard instructing staff to setup meetings with Rove."


GOP establishment coming out of the woodwork to show authority over Tea Party:

7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?", Marlo Lewis

"This pattern is becoming boringly familiar....

There has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicanswho care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):

There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservatives — who are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution, he added.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.”(begin parag. 11)...


Rush Limbaugh explains the GOP establishment after the historic gift given to them in the Nov. 2010 elections (they would've been happier without the new people we gave them):

11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page).

Apparently the establishment Republicans will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama and the left. "...(2/3 down page).


11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund 
"Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that

  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...

2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes

"For generations, the Republican Party had presented itself as the political vehicle for Americans whose opposition to ever-bigger government financed by ever-higher taxes makes them a “country class.”  Yet modern Republican leaders, with the exception of the Reagan Administration, have been partners in the expansion of government, indeed in the growth of a government-based “ruling class.” They have relished that role despite their voters. Thus these leaders gradually solidified their choice to no longer represent what had been their constituency, but to openly adopt the identity of junior partners in that ruling class. By repeatedly passing bills that contradict the identity of Republican voters and of the majority of Republican elected representatives, the Republican leadership has made political orphans of millions of Americans. In short, at the outset of 2013 a substantial portion of America finds itself un-represented, while Republican leaders increasingly represent only themselves."...


10/20/11, "The lost decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Inst.

"America's current ruling class, the people who lost the War on Terror, monopolizes the upper reaches of American public life, the ranks of those who make foreign and domestic policy, including the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties. It is more or less homogeneous socially and intellectually."...


2/3/13, "Rove Declares War on Tea Party," Breitbart, Ben Shapiro

"The battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party has begun. On one side is the Tea Party. On the other side stand Karl Rove and his establishment team, posing as tacticians while quietly undermining conservatism.

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that the “biggest donors in the Republican Party” have joined forces with Karl Rove and Steven J. Law, president of American Crossroads, to create the Conservative Victory Project. The Times reports that this new group will dedicate itself to “recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges by far-right conservatives and Tea Party enthusiasts."... 


New Rove GOP group targets sitting Iowa congressman Steve King:

2/2/13, "Top Donors to Republicans Seek More Say in Senate Races" NY Times, Jeff Zeleny

"Representative Steve King, a six-term Iowa Republican, could be among the earliest targets of the Conservative Victory Project. He said he had not decided whether he would run for the Senate, but the leaders of the project in Washington are not waiting to try to steer him away from the race. 

The group’s plans, which were outlined for the first time last week in an interview with Mr. Law, call for hard-edge campaign tactics, including television advertising, against candidates whom party leaders see as unelectable and a drag on the efforts to win the Senate. Mr. Law cited Iowa as an example and said Republicans could no longer be squeamish about intervening in primary fights."...

 LaTourette is a close ally of Boehner’s, called Tea Partiers “chuckleheads,” and said he’ll raise money to protect RINOs.

1/8/13, “Moderate Republican group to remove ‘Republican’ from name, welcome Democrats,
Yahoo News, Chris Moody

“The Republican Main Street Partnership, a Washington-based group that has promoted moderate GOP lawmakers and policies, will remove the word “Republican” from its title and welcome center-right Democrats in 2013, Yahoo News has learned.

The organization’s board of directors voted Tuesday morning to scrap party identification from its title and be known simply as “The Main Street Partnership.” The group’s new president, former Ohio Republican Rep. Steven LaTourette, told Yahoo News that he plans to begin conversations with Blue Dog Democrats and centrist groups in the coming would be my goal to work with Republicans and Democrats who want to find the path forward to 

getting things done and compromise.”

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, LaTourette added: “While we have changed our name, we have not changed our values or our mission. We will continue to be a right of center organization and continue to represent 

the governing wing of the Republican Party.”"...


12/21/12, Rep. LaTourette: Tea Party “Chuckleheads” Are to Blame for ‘Plan B’ Tax Vote Being Canceled,” Fox News Insider


Recently elected Republican US Senator from Texas Ted Cruz was massively opposed by the GOP establishment in the 2012 primary. They spent heavily for multi-millionaire establishment candidate David Dewhurst who ended up losing. Sen. Cruz was heavily supported by grassroots, Tea Party, and the Club for Growth. Following are 2 citations on how Ted Cruz "shocked" the establishment:


Sarah Palin was key to Ted Cruz win:

8/1/12, "Ted Cruz shocks Texas political establishment, crushes David Dewhurst," Dallas Morning News, Garrett

"Ted Cruz, the top appellate lawyer turned tea party favorite, shocked the political establishment Tuesday, grabbing the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate and virtually guaranteeing that he’ll be Texas’ first Hispanic senator.

Cruz handily defeated Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in a Republican runoff for the seat of U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is retiring after nearly two decades.

Cruz, a first-time candidate, upended the wealthier, better-known Dewhurst with shoe leather, tea party help and laser-like appeals to voters fed up with Congress’ inaction on the national debt, now at about 70 percent of U.S. annual economic output.
"Tonight is a victory for the grass roots,” Cruz said to cheering supporters in Houston. He called the win “a testament to Republican women, tea party leaders and grass-roots conservatives,” though he wooed Dewhurst’s supporters and said he hopes “harsh words spoken” in recent days soon will be forgotten....

In the fall, Cruz will face Democrat Paul Sadler, a former state lawmaker who in his party’s Senate runoff trounced a perennial candidate. But Cruz is almost certain to win; Democrats haven’t prevailed in a statewide race in 18 years.

Dewhurst finished first in the Republican primary, which was held unusually late because of legal battles over redistricting. But he didn’t get the required majority for the nomination....

In the runoff, Dewhurst, a 13-year statewide officeholder and self-made millionaire, relied heavily on TV attack ads against Cruz’s legal record and his support from Washington-based conservative activist groups.

But he was hamstrung by his own lack of a passionate statewide following and woodenness on the stump. His wealth and the backing of most other GOP statewide officeholders couldn’t overcome the grass-roots enthusiasm that Cruz generated over time....

Cruz erased Dewhurst’s 10-point primary night lead with around-the-clock campaigning, sophisticated use of social media and a relentless courting of disgruntled conservatives.

The lawsuits over redistricting delayed the primary, usually held in early March, by nearly three months....The results were a blow to Gov. Rick Perry, who joined several statewide constitutional officers in a strong, late-hour push to rescue Dewhurst.

Perry appeared in several ads on Dewhurst’s behalf. a political prize, he was a distant second to Palin, the 2008 vice presidential nominee who worked hard for Cruz.

Rice University political scientist Mark Jones said Palin performed an indispensable service for Cruz. In mid-May, after a pro-Dewhurst super PAC ran TV ads claiming Cruz was against property tax cuts in 2005 and was soft on Chinese ripoffs of U.S. intellectual property, Palin appeared in ads vouching for Cruz’s conservatism.

“She helped inoculate him,” Jones said....

While many national tea party groups rushed to take a bow — and share in Cruz’s long-shot triumph — none could claim it did as much political heavy lifting as the fiscal hawk group Club for Growth.
In both the primary and runoff, it spent $5.5 million on TV and Internet ads slashing Dewhurst as a moderate. It also bundled $1 million in contributions for Cruz."...


2/24/13, "Exclusive--Club for Growth: Culture of Senate Beginning to Change; Cruz, Lee, Paul Will 'Stand and Fight'," Breitbart, Tony Lee and Stephen K. Bannon

"In 2012, establishment Republicans like Karl Rove and American Crossroads preferred Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst over Ted Cruz in the Texas Republican Senate primary, with their donors backing Dewhurst against Cruz. It was the Club for Growth that helped Cruz counter the Rove-approved establishment money that was going to Dewhurst's campaign in addition to Dewhurst's considerable wealth, which he used to self-fund his failed Senate run."...


3/16/13, "Phyllis Schlafly CPAC: Mitt Romney, John McCain A 'Bunch Of Losers'," Huffington Post, Foley 


2/22/13, "I am the Eggman, they are the Eggmen," Richard Fernandez, Belmont Club, PJ Media

"Angelo de Codevilla amplified his landmark essay on America’s new ruling class by explaining why the Republican Party could do nothing to stop its ascendance. In a new article Codevilla explained that much of the Republican party has become wannabee Democrat and therefore supine. They want the Democrat spoils also without bothering themselves with the distasteful mental contortions of the Democrat ideology."...

Ed. note: Following from commenter to Fernandez article about Colorado, GOP working to defeat conservatives and Tea Party candidates and elect democrats:

I am posting on Subotai's behalf as he is having trouble. It maybe length, so I am posting in two parts:"
"Codavilla is probably going to wake up with a horse's head on a pillow next to him soon. And the fingerprints are going to those of the Institutional Republicans. His original essay reinforced my convictions on the difference between his Ruling Party [which I call Institutional Republicans] and what he refers to as the Country Party [which I have called the Conservative/TEA Party/Patriot Movement].

He has it right. I have seen the Institutionals in Colorado actively work to elect Democrats when the Conservative/TEA Party/Patriot Movement managed to follow the rules and duly nominate one of their own. We have two Democrat US Senators, and a Democrat Governor based on that; and they have tried to rig the game to remove a multiple term Conservative Congressman who sits on a key committee for 
the state and replace him with a candidate who literally said that he looked forward to reaching across the aisle and working with the [then] Democrat majority."...

P.S. Commenter at Lucianne explains Obama is just a community agitator, not a rock star:

"Reply 3 - Posted by: Moonspinner, 2/16/2013 6:07:01 PM    

First, lets get one thing straight. Obama is not a leader of anything....Lets get another thing straight, he may have the title of president of the United States, but his mentality and expertise is only in community agitating. He knows how to lead malcontents to destroy things that others have built....To be a community agitator the person has to be a good liar and con artist. Obama is both." 


PPS. 12:15pm, Mon., March 18, 2013, Rush Limbaugh says ruling class GOP is still very worried about the grassroots and the Tea Party.


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