Wednesday, February 27, 2013

McConnell has same goals as Rove who lost 10 Senate races in 2012 alone, Akin wasn't TP fave, Sarah Palin endorsed someone else in that race.

"Rove boasted at the event that the Montana and Missouri seats were looking like sure bets."...

2/9/13, "Mitch McConnell Had Previously Floated Karl Rove Idea To Target Weak Tea Party Candidates," Huffington Post, Peter H. Stone

"The model for the new (Rove) super PAC, dubbed the Conservative Victory Project, is akin to one that (Mitch) McConnell has touted the need for at GOP events in recent years, two GOP fundraisers with good ties to the senator told Huffington Post. Both asked for anonymity to speak candidly about private events and discussions....

This year McConnell’s own reelection bid in Kentucky may be threatened by a budding alliance between a liberal super PAC that’s reached out to Tea Party groups to help unseat the senator. McConnell last weekend announced his candidacy but as yet faces no formal Democratic or Tea Party challenger.

Rove, who famously co-founded American Crossroads and allied advocacy group Crossroads GPS, which spent tens of millions to help about 10 GOP Senate candidates last year,*** is now rolling out his new money machine to his network of wealthy donors to achieve better results. Overall the two Crossroads groups raked in more than $300 million with a primary mission of defeating President Barack Obama.
Law, the president of both the new super PAC and the two Crossroads groups, explained the rationale for the Victory Project to The New York Times thus: “There is a broad concern about having blown a significant number of races because the wrong candidates were selected.” He added that the PAC wants to “pick the most conservative candidate who can win.”

Jonathan Collegio, a Crossroads spokesman, said it was “way too early to talk about any races” that the new PAC might get involved with, including Kentucky’s Senate contest if there's a primary challenge. Likewise, Collegio said it was "too early to talk about funding for the group."...

Collegio declined to say whether Rove or other Crossroads advisers like Haley Barbour or Ed Gillespie, both former chairs of the RNC, had spoken to the senator about the concept.

For its part, American Crossroads this week launched a $10,000 digital ad buy blasting potential Democratic challenger and actress Ashley Judd as a "radical Hollywood liberal" who, though a Kentucky native, is currently residing in Tennessee. And Rove boasted on Fox News Thursday night that there will be many more attacks on Judd coming. “We are making fun of her,” Rove said. 

It’s smart to go in early and help McConnell,” says veteran GOP lobbyist Charlie Black. “The more people in early to help the better.”

Black adds that Crossroads may help with more than ads. “I’ve heard they’ve voiced interest in doing more voter contact work” than in the past. Two other GOP operatives said they understand that Crossroads will deploy ground game efforts to bolster McConnell too....

There are strong historic ties between the leadership of the new super PAC, American Crossroads and McConnell in the person of Steven Law, the president of the new PAC and the two Crossroads groups. Law was a top aide to McConnell for much of the 1990s, rising to chief of staff and executive director of the NRSC. 

Law went on to be deputy secretary at the Labor Department under Secretary Elaine Chao, McConnell’s wife. “Most of what I’ve learned in politics I learned from him,” Law told The Washington Post last fall about his years with the senator. A few GOP fundraisers say that, over the years, the senator and Law have had a kind of father-son relationship, but the Post reported that the two men seldom talk these days, presumably to avoid coordination issues. 

McConnell hired Law in the late 80s soon after he’d graduated Columbia Law School and he moved up soon to big jobs with the senator. “It took me about a year to figure out he was the smartest guy on the staff,” McConnell said to the Post.

Not long after American Crossroads was launched in early 2010, Rove recruited Law who was then the top lawyer at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to be its president; and Rove tapped another McConnell ally and fellow Kentuckian, former RNC chairman Mike Duncan, to be chairman of Crossroads. Duncan has since left....

McConnell, for instance, was a featured speaker at two Crossroads fundraisers last year....

Further, Rove has been a featured speaker at one exclusive NRSC event. One weekend last summer, Rove journeyed to Maryland’s Eastern Shore to speak at a posh retreat for big donors hosted by the NRSC where McConnell was a star attraction. Rove's talk has not been previously reported.

According to two attendees, Rove delivered an upbeat view of GOP prospects for regaining control of the Senate in 2012, an assessment that was probably predicated on the tens of millions being spent by American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, to help some 10 GOP Senators and candidates. Rove boasted at the event that the Montana and Missouri seats were looking like sure bets, recalled one attendee. Incumbent Democratic senators won both races.

Rove’s rosy picture may have been colored by the ease with which his two groups were filling their coffers with seven- and eight-figure checks from conservative donors like casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson and Texas tycoon Harold Simmons. Simmons and a company he controls donated $19.5 million to American Crossroads, while Adelson and his wife chipped in $23 million. 

The Huffington Post has reported that Adelson gave Crossroads GPS $30 million more, according to two GOP fundraisers with ties to the casino baron.

It’s not known whether Adelson or Simmons will back the Conservative Victory Project or an allied nonprofit that’s also being formed....

Venture capitalist Fred Malek, who founded the American Action Network, told The Huffington Post that the “donor community is tired of losing and wants to see nominees who can win.”

The Network has focused mainly on helping the GOP win House races, but Malek pointed out that his group had also run ads in some Senate primaries: The group ran ads to help Kelly Ayotte, who won in New Hampshire, and Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, who lost his primary battle to conservative darling Richard Mourdock, who went on to lose in November.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again in the future if we saw the need,” Malek said." via Mark Levin twitter


Ed. note: The claim that they "want to win" doesn't mean they want to win against democrats. It means they want to win against GOP conservatives:

7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?", Marlo Lewis

"This pattern is becoming boringly familiar....

There has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicanswho care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):

There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservatives — who are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution, he added. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.”(begin parag. 11)...


2/4/13, "Top 10 establishment Republicans who lost senate races in 2012,", Steven Holmes

To see the list on one page.


Karl Rove has delivered half a generation to the radical left by electing Obama twice. In 2012 alone Rove lost 10 GOP Senate races. He flipped the House and Senate from Republican to Democrat while a Republican President sat in the White House. It’s logical that Obama officials, the NY Times,  and radical left CBS News Political Director John Dickerson laud Rove.


Rove's "sure bet" lost Montana:
10. "Rep. Denny Rehberg loses his 2012 U.S. Senate race in Montana."

"Former Rep. Denny Rehberg lost his 2012 U.S. Senate race in Montana to one of the most vulnerable incumbent senators in the nation.

Rehberg, a longtime member of the U.S. House of Representatives and career politician in Montana,

was defeated by Sen. Jon Tester by 3.9-points in the 2012 race.

Rehberg’s long tenure in Washington D.C. and relatively moderate record made him the top choice of establishment Republicans in the 2012 primary. 

Despite Tester’s weaknesses and President Barack Obama losing the state by 13.7 percentage points in 2012, Rehberg was unable to pull out a victory for his establishment Republican allies." 


10/22/10, Karl Rove’s Flameout” The Daily Beast, Matt Latimer


11/16/12,  Republicans Allowed Karl Rove to Mislead Them Again, Daily Beast, Matt Latimer
The NY Times hopes Fox News star Karl Rove can save them from the Tea Party, describes him as “long the party’s tactical mastermind:” (4th parag. fr. end)

9/16/10, NY Times Editorial, “The Tea Party’s Snarl.”

"For both parties and certainly the broad swath of independent voters, defeating this new crop of Tea Party nominees has become imperative to avoid the sense of national embarrassment from each divisive and offensive utterance, each wacky policy proposal.


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