Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Global Warming lobbyist parasite Tom Ridge among has-been Rockefeller Republicans vainly attempting 'to reassert GOP establishment over the Tea Party revolution,' not to win elections, just to keep control of the GOP

2/25/13, "Tom Ridge: 'Climate change is a national security threat'," ...GOP clubhouse hack Tom Ridge has been a paid board member of Exelon nuclear power company since 2005

As a guest on MSNBC in 2010 Ridge advocated a green agenda starting with nuclear power.

He received over $200,000 from Exelon in 2011 alone.

Has-been George Schultz is part of the Tom Ridge nuclear power/green/CO2 terror group noted above and very busy standing guard at the GOP clubhouse door:

7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?", Marlo Lewis

"This pattern is becoming boringly familiar....

There has always been a wing of the GOP — the “establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicanswho care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head. In a story on Shultz’s endorsement of carbon taxes, Green told Climatewire: (subscrip):

There seems to be an eruption of conservatives — very moderate-seeming conservatives, non-tea party, old country club-style conservatives — who are suddenly enamored of carbon tax,” said Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

“I think this is mostly vanity and egotism on the part of these people who are coming forward, to try and reassert the Republican establishment over the tea party revolution, he added. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if we have more of these guys weigh in.”(begin parag. 11)...

As noted here, earlier this week, former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) launched a new institute with Rockefeller Family Fund backing
[oil money] to promote carbon taxes as a ‘Republican idea.’...  

"Yes, that George Shultz, President Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State. But not everyone who served with Reagan was a Reaganite. Reagan’s VP, G.H.W. Bush, famously campaigned on a platform of “Read my lips: No New Taxes.” Not two years later he raised taxes in a 1990 budget deal that torpedoed the economy and sank his presidency.

Yesterday, in an interview puff piece penned by two associates, Shultz, a distinguished fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, called for a ‘revenue-neutral’ carbon tax. This is unsurprising. As the article reminds us, in 2010, Shultz, partnering with Tom Steyer, a Democrat, “led the successful campaign to defeat Proposition 23, a California ballot initiative to suspend the state’s ambitious law to curb greenhouse gases.”"...


Nuclear power co. Exelon favored and stood to gain from cap and trade. Ridge is a paid director of Exelon, holds a lot of their stock.
Unfortunately for Ridge, the global warming party is over in the US. US CO2 emissions have plunged while other countries' haven't. Coal use will only increase for billions in China, India, for the Zetas in Northern Mexico and others. The contiguous US is only 1.5% of the planet. Even if our CO2 went to zero it wouldn't help the planet.

Tom Ridge functioned as a lobbyist for the Albanian government but failed to register as such until two years after he won a big contract from them and was contacted by the US Dept. of Justice:

June 24, 2008, "Ridge lobbies for Albania, but doesn't report it,", Brett Lieberman

"Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge registered with the Department of Justice as a lobbyist for the government of Albania nearly two years after winning an almost half-million dollar lobbying contract, Roll Call reports this morning.
(Hat tip GrassrootsPa)

"I didn't think it was [necessary] to register," the Capitol Hill newspaper quotes the former Pennsylvania governor and national co-chair of John McCain's presidential campaign as saying.
"It was brought to my attention after the contract expired and my lawyer said under the circumstances I probably should have filed," Ridge said. Ridge registered after he was contacted by the Justice Department."


Tom Ridge is a member along with Jeb Bush of the GOP establishment group "American Action Forum." Its 'sister' group American Action Network spent $590,000 running ads for Richard Lugar against Tea Party supported Richard Mourdock. Following are 3 citations about the group:

2/9/13, "Mitch McConnell Had Previously Floated Karl Rove Idea To Target Weak Tea Party Candidates," Huffington Post, Peter H. Stone 

"The (American Action) Network has focused mainly on helping the GOP win House races, but Malek pointed out that his group had also run ads in some Senate primaries: The group ran ads to help Kelly Ayotte, who won in New Hampshire, and Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, who lost his primary battle to conservative darling Richard Mourdock, who went on to lose in November.

I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again in the future if we saw the need,” Malek said." 


4/19/12, "Senate Races 2012: Republican Establishment Tries To Tamp Down Tea Party Insurgency," Huffington Post, Paul Blumenthal

"Last week, the American Action Network, a conservative group with ties to the Republican Party in Washington, D.C., launched a campaign of negative ads against Mourdock, costing $590,000. Major donors, including former fundraisers for President George W. Bush and McCain, are putting money into pro-Lugar super PACs."...

"The American Action Network,"

"The American Action Network was formed in February 2010 by Norm Coleman, a former Republican senator from Minnesota, and Rob Collins, a former chief of staff to House Minority Whip Eric Cantor....Prominent board members of the network also include Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Ed Gillespie, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee."...


Tom Ridge and his friends represent K Street.

4/19/12, "K Street and Tea Party again fight for soul of GOP," Washington Examiner, Timothy P. Carney


Tom Ridge on MSNBC in 2010 said Obama should go all out with his green agenda by first going big into nuclear power. Viewers were not told Ridge was a paid member of Exelon's executive board, Exelon being the largest nuclear co. in the US:

The Media-Lobbying Complex
 2/11/10, "The Media-Lobbying Complex," The Nation, Sebastian Jones
The Media-Lobbying Complex
The Media-Lobbying Complex

"President Obama spent most of December 4 touring Allentown, Pennsylvania, meeting with local workers and discussing the economic crisis. A few hours later, the state's former governor, Tom Ridge, was on MSNBC's Hardball With Chris Matthews, offering up his own recovery plan. There were "modest things" the White House might try, like cutting taxes or opening up credit for small businesses, but the real answer was for the president to "take his green agenda and blow it out of the box." The first step, Ridge explained, was to "create nuclear power plants." Combined with some waste coal and natural gas extraction, you would have an "innovation setter" that would "create jobs, create exports."

As Ridge counseled the administration to "put that package together," he sure seemed like an objective commentator. But what viewers weren't told was that since 2005, Ridge has pocketed $530,659 in executive compensation for serving on the board of Exelon, the nation's largest nuclear power company. As of March 2009, he also held an estimated $248,299 in Exelon stock, according to SEC filings."...
seemed like an objective commentator. But what viewers weren't told was that since 2005, Ridge has pocketed $530,659 in executive compensation for serving on the board of Exelon, the nation's largest nuclear power company. As of March 2009, he also held an estimated $248,299 in Exelon stock, according to SEC filings. - See more at:
President Obama spent most of December 4 touring Allentown, Pennsylvania, meeting with local workers and discussing the economic crisis. A few hours later, the state's former governor, Tom Ridge, was on MSNBC's Hardball With Chris Matthews, offering up his own recovery plan. There were "modest things" the White House might try, like cutting taxes or opening up credit for small businesses, but the real answer was for the president to "take his green agenda and blow it out of the box." The first step, Ridge explained, was to "create nuclear power plants." Combined with some waste coal and natural gas extraction, you would have an "innovation setter" that would "create jobs, create exports." - See more at:


(Ed. note: Since the article below was written one or more of Ridge's lobbying assignments may have changed. His own firm "Ridge Global" appears to still be in business.)

6/13/11, ""A Laugher: Tom Ridge Says, "I'm Not a Lobbyist" on Colbert Report,", Steve Horn

"Tom Ridge, on the Thursday, June 9 edition of the Colbert Report, claimed he is "not a lobbyist." A quick glance at his resume shows that nothing could be further from the truth.
Ridge, now 65 years-old, has worn multiple hats throughout his extensive political career.
Among them: first-ever head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Bush Administration from 2003-2005, former Governor of Pennsylvania from 1995-2001, and former Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from from 1983-1995.

Upon leaving the DHS in 2005, Ridge started his career as a lobbyist, opening a lobby shop known as Ridge Global, located in Washington, D.C, which he still currently heads. Beyond this stint, though, Ridge is also a paid "consultant" (a.k.a. lobbyist) for the Marcellus Shale Coaltion, a "trade association" in disguise that in reality is a methane gas industry-funded lobbying group.

That aside, the Pennsylvania Department of State's lobbyist registry contains the real smoking gun evidence.

The registry shows that the Coalition has 11 lobbyists registered to advocate for fracking in the Marcellus Shale region, and in Pennsylvania in particular, among those listed include Coalition Executive Director Kathryn Klaber and Ridge. The registry also shows that their paychecks come from none other than Ridge Global. Open Secrets, a project of the Center for Responsive Politics, shows that since 2010, the Marcellus Shale Coalition has recieved $90,000 from Ridge Global. Open Secrets also shows that Ridge is currently a paid lobbyist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, chairing their National Security Task Force. Furthermore, he is the current recipient of a $900,000/year paycheck from the Marcellus Shale Coalition.

Yet though the evidence against his claim is quite damning, Ridge had the chutzpah to begin his June 9, 2011 interview on Stephen Colbert's Colbert Report by claiming he is "not a lobbyist."
Not a lobbyist? Yeah, right.


1/6/11, "Secretary Tom Ridge to Chair U.S. Chamber’s National Security Task Force,"


10/13/2009, "Exelon chief endorses bill on emissions He said a cap-and-trade system of controls would work best.", A. Maykuth

2/26/13, "Tough Truths from China on CO2 and Climate," Andrew Revkin, NY Times, Dot Earth

Coal mining is "more lucrative for Zetas than selling drugs."

 11/17/12, "Mexican druglords strike gold in coal," AFP via Gloucester City News


6/4/12, Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

 “Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord.… Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American’s CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964 --over half a century ago. …Coal is the number two source of CO2 for Americans. Today the average American burns an amount similar to what they did in 1955, and even less than they did in the 1940s. …It is exactly America’s historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy

and potentially game changing at the global level.”...
News of US CO2 plunge has been described as: 


     11/19/12, "More than 1,000 New Coal Plants Planned Worldwide," Damian Carrington, UK Guardian

    "India is planning 455 new plants compared to 363 in China."...

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