The GOP should end this insult and dissolve into the democrat party. They even run fake presidential candidates. The debt ceiling is just
a charade to hide the real issue which is that Obama hasn't passed a budget in over three years.
1/1/13, "Obama: No more debt ceiling," Human Events, Neil McCabe
"“One last point I want to make,” said the president flanked by
Vice-President Joseph R. Biden Jr., whose Capitol Hill summitry closed
the deal on a “fiscal cliff” compromise. “I will negotiate over many
things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether
or not they should pay the bills, they have already racked up through
the laws they have passed.
This is a critical pivot for the president, who previously dismissed the idea floated among liberals that Section 4 of the 14th Amendment,
one of the three amendments passed at the end of the Civil War,
authorizes the executive to borrow the funds to make good federal debt
It reads:
"The validity of the public debt of the United States,
authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and
bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall
not be questioned"…
Obama framed his assumption of the authority to borrow funds,
regardless of a statutory debt ceiling, in the context of the upcoming
fight to raise it—a fight Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R.-S.C.) called “Round
2” because the senator said Republicans had been beaten in the
negotiations to avoid the “fiscal cliff” or “Round 1.”
The president was direct. Either Congress raises the debt ceiling or
he will go ahead and borrow the money to pay the bills on his own in
order to avoid damage to the U.S. and world economies.
“Let me repeat, you can’t not pay bills that we have already incurred,” he said.
“If Congress refuses to the United States government the ability to
pay these bills on-time, the consequences for the entire global economy
would be catastrophic—far worse than the impact of a fiscal cliff,” he
“People will remember back in 2011, the last time this course of
action was threatened, our entire recovery was put at risk,” he said.
“We can’t go down that path again.”"
RNC agreed in 1982 not to pursue vote fraud.
1/1/13, "Missing Breitbart," Tom Blumer, PJMedia
"Breitbart is one of the main reasons why a Republican candidate, and especially one who we have since learned really didn’t want to run for the office, even had a ghost of a chance against Obama....
1/1/13, "Republicans Deserved to Lose," Thomas Sowell, National Review
Obama budget defeated 97-0 in the Senate, May 2011:
5/30/11, "Washington is Broken, and Needs Leadership. Where is President Obama?" Senator Ron Johnson, RedState.com
"Last week, President Obama’s FY 2012 Budget was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 0-97. Let me repeat that, ZERO to 97. The
President’s budget that was unveiled as THE solution to our long-term
fiscal problems did not receive a single vote in the United States
This is a stunning indictment of the President’s lack of leadership and seriousness. I don’t know how many thousands of man-hours that over four inch thick, 2400-page budget document took to create,
but it was a total waste of time and resources. That is a very sad
fact. Instead of acknowledging this failure, the Administration and
members of the President’s party have been viciously demagoguing
the only other budget plans offered, and engaging in
a concerted
effort to scare the American public
and financial markets over the debt
ceiling limit."...
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