Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Commenter suggests to GOP, next time don't initiate negotiations before asked to...or with yourself...which is what led to this outcome. Unless of course the GOP feels it's on the same side as Obama, then fine

1/1/13, "Conservatives being Played for Fools,", mtmnd diary

commenter Checkmate 2012 says:

"Conservatives are fools for trying to be the saviors of the cliff while letting the Dem majority sit on the sidelines and ridicule Reps. The prez and Reid should have been forced to fix the cliff with legislation, not just state they'd veto or not even take a vote on anything the House passes. Today, the Senate said they won't take up an amended bill from the House if it happens that way. Who cares what they say; just do what's right and let Reid sit on a bill and take the heat.
Boehner let them off the hook just after the election with offering revenues before the talks even started! It was a monumental mistake and led us to today. He didn't have to negotiate a thing, just say the Senate has HR 8 that the House passed last Aug and will respond to that once the Senate passes or amends and sends it back.
Now we're in a worse situation now that McConnell took up the baton as the savior with Biden and put Senate Reps. at risk for raising tax rates and putting pressure on the House Reps.! Where the hell are Reid and Obama? On the majority side with no fingerprints on this mess, ready to pounce on blaming the Reps! 

Note to Republicans: don't initiate negotiations before asked to or with yourself, and don't initiate talks since you are the minority

Let the president lead and Reid pass a bill before stating your position."


Ed. note: This whole thing was a charade. Obama and the GOP are on the same side. They just put on a show because Boehner likes being on TV. Obama hasn't submitted a budget in over 3 years. The GOP is fine with that.


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