Thursday, January 24, 2013

Obama the 'communitarian' now 'free, unchained' to shame Americans to his view which is opposite of individualism says Van Jones, Obama former Green Czar. ie, 'You didn't build that,' the community did

Communitarian” links from Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
1/24/13, Exclusive – Van Jones: Inaugural Address Proves Obama’s a ‘Communitarian’, Breitbart, Rebel Pundit

After President Obama’s second inaugural address, Van Jones, former Obama White House “green jobs” czar, praised the speech, calling it “Djobama Unchained” (after the controversial movie Django Unchained, about a freed slave taking revenge). On Wednesday night, during a lecture at Loyola University Chicago, I asked Jones what he meant. He explained that while President Obama is not a socialist, 

he is, in fact, a “communitarian.”
After a long recapping of the first four years of the Obama’s presidency, Jones elaborated:
It’s very interesting to see him now, actually, free....

I was happy to see him unleashed and unchained and just be able to speak from his heart."...

I pressed Jones further for some insight into what and who President Obama really is.

Jones replied: “He is a communitarian.” He then elaborated briefly: “I mean you always have individualism, communitarianism, as a part of the, American story, and I think
we've overbalanced the individualistic direction 
and I think he’s trying to
rebalance toward communitarianism.”...

He (Jones) did reiterate, however, that he saw communitarianism as 
a counterbalance to libertarianism, which he equated to 



Communitarian” links from Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

“Social Outcasts: Sticks and Stones?

Censure is a key component of the communitarian system of control.  What is that?  Shunning.  Social rejection While thinking about the attraction of communitarianism to some in our world, I asked myself why it is that the threat of social censure is such a …”


Anti Communitarian League

World’s foremost researcher and blogger on Communitarianism and UN Agenda 21 is Niki Raapana, the founder of the Anti-Communitarian League.  Ms. Raapana lives in a remote area of Alaska and blogs about her extensive research into the roots of Communitarianism and the impacts …” ==========================

Not so funny story: Communitarian chronicles

The community to the detriment of the individual. I don’t think that anyone would seriously question my patriotism.  My work is clearly dedicated to my country.  But look at how easy it is to become a communitarian—as long as it’s YOUR community rule that gets enforced.”…


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