Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mark Levin praised by K.E. Campbell

1/24/13, "Obama's first term: the change America was hoping for?" American Thinker, K.E. Campbell

"On Mark Levin's radio program on Tuesday evening he cited a number of unflattering statistics regarding Barack Obama's first term, ones the fawning legacy media mostly filter out or otherwise gloss over. (See table below.) He also adroitly dissected the inauguration speech and ridiculed favorable comparisons of Obama to Ronald Reagan that are apparently en vogue. Levin played excerpts of Ronald Reagan's first inauguration speech and the contrast versus Obama was, of course, stark.

Levin's show, if you missed it, is worth a listen. That show plus others of his over the past two months are archived and available for download free here. A good synopsis of Levin's current assessment of our predicament is here.

Though I don't know him personally, no public figure, in my opinion, better understands what is happening now in this country - the root causes and historical and philosophical context of the left's statist agenda - than Mark R. Levin. He is fearless, willing to call people out (no matter their party affiliation), and sometimes refreshingly politically incorrect. He is not afraid to publicly lend his support to truly conservative candidates for office, regardless of their name recognition or chances of victory. As to this country's founders, its founding documents, and first principles, Levin's knowledge is deep and his loyalty fierce. Levin puts his money and energy where his mouth is and isn't afraid to mix it up, politically and legally speaking. 

I will not be surprised if Levin plays a key role in the advancement of the next GOP standard bearer
to the chagrin of the Party establishment.

Along the lines of the data cited by Levin on his program on Tuesday, I prepared the table below.  The statistics shown comport with the ones referenced by Levin, though I added some others of a similar nature."....


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