Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NY Times screaming proves vote fraud is much worse than anyone has imagined. Obviously, the NY Times hasn't considered that vote fraud could ever be committed by Republicans


9/26/12, "The New York Times and New Black Panthers Protect Election Lawbreakers," FrontPage, J. Christian Adams

"Once upon a time in America, if a group of citizen volunteers set out to help election officials detect problems with the voter rolls, they would have been praised.  If a group of citizen volunteers had detected scores of dead people on the voter rolls they would have received broad accolades from all corners of America.

Once upon a time in America, we esteemed law abiding citizens who helped law enforcement detect law breakers – especially when it comes to the sanctity of elections.

But this isn’t the America we used to know.  Instead, when election integrity groups like Houston-based True the Vote help detect countless problems with American elections – including people who illegally voted twice in the 2008 Presidential election from different states – they are slandered and attacked by the New York Times, academia and formerly relevant civil rights organizations."...via Free Republic, photo via Free Republic, New Black Panthers at polling place in Philadelphia on Obama's election day in Nov. 2008, one brandishing a deadly weapon. Eric Holder was outraged that anyone even mentioned this deadly event because as he said, "his people" had gone through much worse. 3/2/11, "If he approaches the job with the attitude that any group smaller than all Americans is "my people," he is the wrong man for the position."...James Taranto, WSJ, "Eric Holder's people"



From Washington Post, 9/24/10, Coates has been given whistleblower protection:   

  • "Coates, former head of the voting section that brought the case, testified
  • in defiance of his supervisor's instructions and
has been granted whistleblower protection."...
  • Above election day, 11/4/08
1/27/11, "New Black Panther Party case: The facts are in," Washington Post, Right Turn, by Jennifer Rubin


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