Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Household Incomes fall in August 2012, have fallen 8.2% under Obama, but media wants to know nothing except what they can use to elect Obama again, as Brokaw freely admitted 4 days before Obama's 2008 election he knew nothing about Obama. The pinnacle of US journalism didn't want to know anything

9/25/12, "Household Incomes Fall In Aug., Off 8.2% Under Obama," IBD, J. Merline

Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose on PBS, taped 10/30/08 freely admit 4 days before election day they knew nothing about Obama:

Charlie Rose notes we're coming into "what may be the most historic election of our time." He says what we know about Obama is primarily from his autobiography and 2 speeches. The media had years to investigate Obama but they had no interest in doing so. Rose asks esteemed journalist/opinion leader Tom Brokaw,

  • "What do you make of Barack Obama?"
Charlies Rose says, we've not had a real in depth discussion about foreign policy, we don't know a lot about the universe of this thinking.

Brokaw: "We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking. China has not been examined at all,
  • which is astonishing."...
Brokaw: "I don't know what books he's read."...

4 days before his election the pinnacle of American journalism freely admit they know nothing about Obama. They followed him for years but were not at all curious to pursue available substantive information about him for their own knowledge or to pass along to Americans in their esteemed roles.  


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