Monday, April 30, 2012

GOP hack Eric Cantor wants Obama's favorite Republican re-elected instead of a new, younger Republican who wouldn't be an Obama yes-man

4/28/12, "The Ultimate Treachery," Daniel Horowitz,

"I’m at a loss for words; I’m really not sure what to think of this.

What word would you use to describe someone from party A (Republican) asking members of party B (Democrat) to vote down a member of party A (Republican) for supporting a fundamental view of party A?

Politico’s Maggie Haberman is reporting that the leadership-affiliated Young Guns Network has sent out mailers asking Democrats to vote for Dick Lugar (not exactly a young gun) in the Indiana Republican primary against Richard Mourdock on May 8."...


"I lost respect for Cantor the day of the House vote on ObamaCare.

rightwingnut2 (Diary)
Sunday, April 29th at 4:43PM EDT (link)

About 15 minutes after the conclusion of the vote, as I sat on the couch watching in disbelief, I saw a group of about 10 Congressmen (some Dems, some Repubs) laughing and joking around. Cantor was right in the middle of it. I don’t pretend to know what they were discussing, but while the rest of us saw this piece of legislation as the beginning of the END, Cantor was laughing his a$$ off on the House floor. I’ll never forget."


Ed. note: Establishment guys do not care about the country. They care only about the party. In the vast majority of cases.


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