Monday, April 30, 2012

Example of taxpayer subsidized NPR headline, 'Is slow growth actually good for the economy?'

4/29/12, "Headline Shenanigans at NPR,", Tim Groseclose

"Is Slow Growth Actually Good for the Economy?" That, I'm not joking, was an actual headline at NPR.

The headline not only exposes the Obama-water-carrying attitudes at NPR, it also exposes the fact that NPR is filled with what I call "insular progressives." The latter are people with extremely liberal views, who have surrounded themselves with like-minded people. As a consequence, they are apt to say things that moderates and conservatives find ridiculous. But they never or rarely learn that because they have so little interaction with moderates and conservatives. Probably most professors and most mainstream journalists, I believe, could reasonably be called "insular progressives."

This time, however, the NPR progressives seem to have realized their insular nature, and it seems they became embarrassed by the headline. They changed it to "Is Moderate [my emphasis] Growth Actually Good for the Economy?"

What brought on the embarrassment? How'd the progressives at NPR come to realize how ridiculous their headline was?

It appears that two people, Gabriel Malor and Michelle Malkin, and one institution, Twitter, are most responsible. Malor wrote a link to the headline along with the the following tweet: "Unbelievable. Actual NPR headline." He wrote another tweet making fun of NPR's headline: "Is high blood pressure actually good for your health?"

Malkin retweeted Malor's tweet, and she urged her twitter followers to "let the NPR headlines games begin." Here are some of the faux NPR headlines. They include "Is cancer actually good for the body?" and "Was Seal Team Six good for bin Laden?".

I suspect that this story will gain some traction--at least among blogs and talk radio. I also suspect it will catch the attention of some members of Congress. NPR executives concerned about their taxpayer subsidies can't be too happy with this." via GWP


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