Monday, March 19, 2012

Boehner says he learned in 1995 'you never pick a fight with a president.' Voter wonders why Boehner is even there

3/12/12, "Tea Party Nation Founder Slams GOP Leaders For ‘Sitting There’ Instead Of Taking On Fast & Furious Scandal," MediaIte, J. Feldman

"Judson Phillips, the founder of Tea Party Nation, appeared on Fox News this morning and called out top Republican leaders in Congress for their inaction on the Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal. Phillips accused GOP leaders like John Boehner and Eric Cantor of just “sitting there” and “not picking a fight with the president” instead of making the case a priority....

Phillips did credit Congressman Darrell Issa for his commitment to keeping the scandal afloat despite Attorney General Eric Holder‘s “stonewall,” but he did express some displeasure with how the rest of the Republican party in Congress has not been similarly adamant. He called out Boehner, whom he said frequently “hauls up his freshly-laundered white flag of surrender,” and Cantor for not taking more action on this issue.

The Republican leadership were just kind of sitting there, and that’s really a pretty accurate story. What my friends in Washington tell me is that Boehner says what he learned from the 1995 government shutdown is ‘you never pick a fight with the president.’ Well, here’s my question: if you’re not going to pick a fight with the president, especially when you’ve got an issue like this Fast & Furious operation… if you’re not going to pick a fight with the president when it’s something that’s really really important, what are you doing there?”

When asked if this scandal would have any weight in the presidential election, Phillips admitted that the economy is going to be more front-and-center, though he did add that a lot of people are still very concerned about this issue."...via Sipsey St. Irregulars


2/3/12, "Sipsey Street Exclusive: Meet the "Silent Speaker," whose foot is on the brake of the Gunwalker investigation. The devil's own day. "Boner is going to wish he never heard of 'Gunwalker.'"Sipsey Street Irregulars

"The face of the Gunwalker Cover-up. No, not the one on the left, the one on the right with the big mallet....

"The Gunwalker Scandal Made Simple

There are five key accusations against ATF and DOJ made by ATF whistleblowers and other sources within FedGov:

1. That they instructed U.S. gun dealers to proceed with questionable and illegal sales of firearms to suspected gunrunners.

2. That they allowed or even assisted in those guns crossing the U.S. border into Mexico to "boost the numbers" of American civilian market firearms seized in Mexico and thereby provide the justification for more firearm restrictions on American citizens and more power and money for ATF.

3. That they intentionally kept Mexican authorities in the dark about the operation, even over objections of their own agents.

4. That weapons that the ATF let "walk" to Mexico were involved in the deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, as well as at least hundreds of Mexican citizens.

5. That at least since the death of Brian Terry on 14 December, the Obama administration is engaged in a full-press cover-up of the facts behind what has come to be known as the "Gunwalker Scandal.""photo from Sipsey St. Irregulars


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