Monday, March 19, 2012

Astroturf form being used to target Rush Limbaugh advertisers

Rush Limbaugh advertiser astroturf form being used by political advocates to silence dissent and/or destroy the man (Alinsky Rule 12).

"StopRush" site is run by a progressive advocate and a former congressional candidate and current MSNBC contributor

3/19/12, "StopRushFAQ"

"What Is The StopRush Project?

It's a collaborative crowd-sourced volunteer effort to gather information on sponsors and other data related to the #StopRush Campaign. It is a leaderless, national, multi-organizational grass roots effort
to change Rush Limbaugh's daily reliance on hate, lies and vitriol that sells conservative political messages masquerading as "entertainment." For 27 years, Limbaugh has polluted our national discourse, and under the protective shield of "free speech," orchestrated his massive political hegemony on the entire American political system—while simultaneously lowering the quality of conversation about most anything—to that of a grotesque playground-level mud fight. Too many people have had quite enough. It's time for Rush to change, or retire. The U.S. Constitution protects people's speech from government. But there is no right to being well paid for such speech by commercial sponsors, nor should taxpayers be expected to subsidize his hate when it's broadcast over United States Armed Forces Radio.

How Can You Help

How Do You Verify Sponsor Info?

Sponsors for radio programs can be tricky to identify and verify. We can't control what others do but this project relies on people or organizations we learn about who have recorded a show off the airwaves to confirm that a company is actually a sponsor. And to confirm that a sponsor has dropped Rush's show, we rely on people who have made personal phone calls to the sponsor, or the sponsor has made published authorized statements or social media tweets and/or updates. We urge you to monitor this page frequently for changes. You can help our effort by submitting sponsor reports and other intelligence gathering here.

Who Runs This Site

The site and most of the people curating the data were organized by @shoq, a well known progressive advocate on Twitter and Facebook. It was launched after several discussions with @MSNBC's @krystalBall1 ["Krystal is a former Congressional candidate, currently she is an MSNBC contributor"] had revealed a clear need for well curated sponsor data if all the combined efforts aimed at Limbaugh were to succeed.

For questions and updates, please follow @shoq, @dvnix and @krystalball1 on Twitter."


"Alinsky's Rule 12: Destroy the Individual

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Hillary Clinton used to complain about "the politics of personal destruction," but the Republicans of the 1990s had nothing on the radicals of today."


Hillary Clinton, "In 2003, Hillary Clinton screeched "
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."


3/9/12, "EXCLUSIVE: Voters targeted with illegal robocalls linking Republican politicians to Rush Limbaugh's 'slut' gaffe," UK Daily Mail, Toby Harnden

"A group calling itself 'The Women of the 99 Percent' is making robocalls across the United States in an attempt to link Republican members of the House of Representatives to 'the war on women led by Rush Limbaugh'.

The automated calls are illegal because they do not state who they are from (there is no known group called The Women of the 99 Percent) or provide a callback number, as required under the U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.
"...via gwp


3/19/12, "Radio Lefty Advises On Limbaugh: Go After Program Directors," Breitbart, BigJournalism, Tony Katz


Ed. note: As most people know, Rush Limbaugh doesn't speak for the GOP, in fact the GOP establishment have long hated talk radio and would be happy if it didn't exist. Rush's importance is to ordinary right of center Americans, the Silent Majority, who have no voice in this country. Neither political party wants anything to do with us.
  • Trent Lott in June 2007 complained about talk radio:
Re: Trent Lott: (NY Times, 6/14/07): "The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the (immigration) bill, said:

At some point, Mr. Lott said,

  • Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in “younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the (immigration) bill.”"...

(Ed. note: Although Lott was speaking of all right of center talk radio, in the particular case of Bush's amnesty program Limbaugh had remained silent. )


America's biggest problem: the permanent political class of both parties whose only interest is to fortify itself and keep others out.

9/14/11, "Storming the Castle," by Richard Fernandez

"Editorial Review

"It is a pamphlet describing how gradually yet irresistibly, Washington became the dominated by a party of incumbents. Whether they are Democrat or Republican, politicians have now become a permanent class in the capital, existing along with a giant bureaucracy, operating the government for their own sake. Unless that is changed, they will simply continue to increasing



1/26/12, "Media Matters: The Unpaid Research Department of Politico," Big Journalism, John Nolte

"Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone in media understands what Media Matters for America (MMfA) is really about.

MMfA is an online group of modern-day book burners, a tax-exempt gang of bullies and propagandists dedicated to snuffing out conservative political opinion from the national discourse. To accomplish that goal, the George Soros-funded organization uses boycotts, intimidation, and the like.

Another of Media Matters’ obvious goals is to affect the mainstream media’s political narrative using these same tactics. Any story that might damage the left is immediately targeted by MMfA, using outright lies and half-truths.

The bottom line is that Media Matters is not dedicated to correcting or clarifying or illuminating truth; they’re dedicated to a left-wing political agenda which they intend to achieve

via Rush Limbaugh twitter

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