Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Politico tries to scare GOP candidates into billionaire controlled global warming racket, poor Time Magazine really wanted Huntsman

Last spring "Time magazine headlined an exclusive interview with Huntsman
just off the plane from Beijing — by touting the ex-governor as “The Potential Republican Presidential Candidate Democrats Most Fear.”" (parag. 9)

1/17/12, "Politico tries spooking GOP on climate," Steve Milloy, Junk Science

"Politico reporter Darren Samuelsohn (for the second time today) tries scaring Republicans with the green card.

Click for Samuelsohn’s first effort to undermine support for Romney because of his earlier record on green issues.

Samuelsohn’s second effort is below.


GOP post-Huntsman climate troubles?
By: Darren Samuelsohn
January 17, 2012 04:18 PM EST

"So much for embracing climate science as a Republican presidential candidate in 2012.

The demise of Jon Huntsman’s White House hopes leaves GOP climate moderates without a champion in the remaining Republican field, especially given front-runner Mitt Romney’s efforts to convince global warming skeptics that he’s one of them. And that raises questions about how the party’s eventual nominee will fare with science-minded voters against President Barack Obama in November.

“There are a lot of reasons Huntsman was not successful, but his story does raise important questions about primary voters and the Republican Party going forward,” said Adam Mendelsohn, a political adviser to former California Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. “The issue never really saw the light of day in the Republican primary. The question now is whether that becomes a liability with swing voters in the general.”...

Huntsman entered the Republican nomination race last spring amid considerable media hype. Time magazine headlined an exclusive interview with Huntsman — just off the plane from Beijing — by touting the ex-governor as “The Potential Republican Presidential Candidate Democrats Most Fear.”

But the thing was, Republicans never really worried much about him."


Jan. 2012, Powerful financial players in global warming racket

via Climate Depot

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