Tuesday, January 17, 2012

House 'Republicans must refuse to negotiate with their Senate Daddies until Democrats pass a budget.' GOP pretends House doesn't exist

"The people in the mainstream media know that the Republicans crave their approval. The people in the mainstream media know that the Republicans think they're the smartest and the wisest." Rush Limbaugh, 11/14/11. (So they cave to democrats every day hoping to get media to like them).

12/16/12, "Breaking the cycle of GOP capitulation," Daniel Horowitz, RedState

"The overarching lesson is that once you emphatically communicate to Democrats that you will ultimately pass their legislation or you will never take the budget fight or the debt fight to the brink, you have already lost the battle. You can garrulously demand concessions and spending offsets until you are blue in the face, but Democrats will wait you out until the deadline. Once you give away your leverage, there is nothing left to fight for.

It was through this fatuous cycle of insanity that we gave up our biggest trump card; the ability to block debt increases. Obama will get a lifeline of $1.2 trillion until after the elections, yet there is nothing we can do about it.

While only 66 House Republicans voted against the Budget Out-of-Control Act, there are signs that many others are beginning to catch onto the cycle of capitulation. It was evident during the year-end fight over the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance extension. Members who intuitively desired to do the right thing, yet were intimidated by the acerbic coercive tactics of leadership, are now willing to stand and fight this year. They realize that after a full year of the “Tea Party Congress,” we have not cut one cent from discretionary budget authority, even as mandatory entitlement spending continues to grow unchecked. They realize that

  • we are not any closer to repealing Obamacare
  • than we were in 2010.

This year, there will be numerous opportunities to fight statism; from blocking long-term unemployment and green energy tax credits to battles over surface transportation and the federal gasoline tax. By far, the most consequential battle will be fought over the FY 2013 budget, which

  • will commence during the middle of April....

Republicans must also refuse to negotiate with the Senate until Democrats pass a budget, along with every subsequent appropriations bill under regular order. No more omnibus megabus bills – for real, this time. Republicans must fight it out over every individual bill, exposing Democrats for their wasteful spending and harmful government regulations every step of the way.

The best New Year’s resolution for Republicans is to promise not to exemplify the definition of insanity....

The House is back in session this week, while the Senate returns next week. Especially with the presidential election rapidly deteriorating, the legislative session is ‘game on’ for conservatives."...


Commenter to above on RedState:

"fpete13527 , Monday, January 16th at 12:19PM EST

"Well said Dan.

The Republican Leadership in the U.S. Congress has been far beyond disgraceful. Many Republicans in state legislature have unfortunately followed suit.

At this point, it is time to measure Republicans simply by the degree they will say NO to any and everything the left wants …..to include “revenue neutral” taxes, and

  • definitely to include debt ceiling increases."...


10/11/11, "State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"The Republican establishment is still totally interested and focused on what the mainstream media says about them. It's one of the big problems that we face. The Republican establishment still craves the approval, the relationship that they have with the mainstream media. The Republican leadership in the House and Senate both still use the mainstream media as their primary means of disseminating information. They think that the mainstream media is still the power broker, still the power maker, and they're gonna go through them."...(parag. 12)


11/14/11, "Brooks: It's Romney or Bust," Rush Limbaugh.com, transcript


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