Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tea Party has failed if Newt Gingrich is the answer, perhaps Obama Republicans just succeeded in annihilating the TP as promised

The Tea Party tried at the 11th hour to save the country, to undo harms of the past 20 years in which Gingrich was well enmeshed. Beating the democrats wasn't even the task at hand. It was beating the GOP lobby class who are happy with Obama and all his great new wars, and for whom ordinary Americans do not exist. (See citations at end of this post including from Rush Limbaugh)

12/1/11, "If Newt Gingrich is the answer, Tea Party has failed," Bloomberg, Joshua Green

"Newt Gingrich is only the latest improbable Republican frontrunner, and unlike those who preceded him — Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain — he has a decent chance of sticking around. That’s partly due to necessity. Just a month from the Iowa caucuses, conservatives don’t have time to anoint a new savior. It’s also because, despite his copious shortcomings, he seems immune to what felled the others. An able debater, he won’t flop like Perry and Cain. He’s not a full-on nut like Trump. And his legislative record eclipses Bachmann’s, which barely exists.

But his late emergence as the “true conservative” poised to challenge Mitt Romney is rich, and its broader significance underappreciated. For two years, the driving force in national politics has been the Tea Party, whose founding myth was that ordinary citizens were rising up in defiant resistance to the hidebound, self-dealing ways of Washington. Greedy politicians had bloated the government and lined their own pockets at taxpayers’ expense, while letting the country go to rot. Prime examples were held to be the expansion of government health care and federal support for the housing market, especially Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored entities that many conservatives blame for the financial crisis. The mere fact of being a veteran Washington legislator cost respected conservatives like Sen. Bob Bennett* of Utah their jobs. Should all that anger, energy and contempt for Washington end up concentrating itself in the person of Newt Gingrich,

  • then the movement will have failed when the stakes were highest.

Temperamentally, Gingrich is a good fit. Both his zestful attacks on the media and unbridled self-regard** both reflect Tea Party tendencies. But since being deposed as House Speaker in 1999, he has earned millions of dollars by conducting himself in almost point-by-point opposition to what the Tea Party claims to stand for. In fact, he’s a superb exemplification of the way Washington really works.

Soon after leaving Congress, he established The Gingrich Group, a lobbying and strategy firm that grossed $55 million over the next decade. Like most Washington eminences who trade on their years of public service, Gingrich huffily rejects the label of “lobbyist,” claiming that he simply provided insight and strategic advice.

  • But that’s exactly what lobbyists do.

They also create politically acceptable rationales for others to support their clients’ interests. Gingrich was paid at least $1.6 million by Freddie Mac*** to help fend off new congressional regulations, presumably by convincing fellow Republicans to set aside their philosophical objections.

Gingrich also established a health-care consulting firm, the Center for Health Transformation, that took money from drug companies like Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca, and also from the main drug lobby, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, during the successful 2003 push to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. According to the Washington Examiner,

  • Gingrich personally leaned on Republicans in Congress to support the bill.

And beyond lobbying, he has advanced many positions that are anathema to the Tea Party. He once supported an individual mandate to buy health insurance — Mitt Romney’s inexpiable sin. He teamed up with Nancy Pelosi to urge action against global warming. Earlier this year, he criticized the House Republicans’ budget as “right-wing social engineering,” only to change tack when criticized. Overall, Gingrich has felt obliged to post to his campaign website

  • rebuttals to 18 separate ideological challenges and alleged apostasies.
None of this has stopped him from trying to claim the conservative mantle. “We think there has to be a solid conserative alternative to Mitt Romney,” he told a South Carolina radio station this week. “I wouldn’t lie to the American people. I wouldn’t switch my positions for political reasons."

But of course he has already done so, many times. And yet this hasn’t appeared to hurt him with conservative activists, who are, in fact, rallying to his side. Odd as it seems, a Republican primary that began as a contest to accommodate these activists — bending mainstream figures like Tim Pawlenty into painful contortions — now seems likely to end as a desperate bid to find someone — anyone! — who isn’t Romney. If the search ends with Gingrich, it will be


"Joshua Green writes a weekly column for the Boston Globe."


*Bob Bennett was not a "respected conservative." The left describes him as such because he gave them no trouble. He was a Beltway crony, thought the job was given to him for life, and was truly shocked to discover it was not.

**The author is correct that the Tea Party has failed, but he exhibits the missing brain cells of a hopeless leftist if he thinks the Tea Party has (or had) "unbridled self regard." Right. After the Occupy 24/7 violence, filth, destruction, drug overdoses, guns in tents, urination and defecation, commandeering municipal police forces away from normal duties, abusing police horses, and gleefully incurring millions in extra costs to cities to be paid by innocent citizens via taxes. The Tea Party was merely the Silent Majority who spoke above a whisper for awhile, created not a penny worth of damage, and scared the left and the establishment GOP (better described as Obama Republicans) so much that they labeled the Tea Party dangerous "extremists" and ran this across the media 24/7 for years. And said they were racists, too, of course.

***This alone should put him in jail. Certainly out of public life forever. ed.


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives,"

Spoken after the historic Tea Party victories in November 2010 that landed in the GOP because they had nowhere else to go, not because the GOP wanted most of them.

"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives.... Apparently the
  • establishment Republicans
  • will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives

11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

"Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that
  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...


10/16/11, "Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?" NY Times Magazine, Matt Bai

(My brief comments on that article)


4/14/11, "What our government is doing now would be considered criminal in the private sector"-Jamie Radtke, US Senate candidate from Virginia


3/23/11, "Remembering the day America was ignored," BigGovernment, Jamie Radtke


4/3/11, "Obama the Neocon," Swift Economics

"But at least Obama has one new fan, the guy who has an uncanny knack to be wrong about everything; Bill Kristol. In his weekly column he referred to Obama’s address to the nation saying:

As I found the rest of the speech. The president was unapologetic, freedom-agenda-embracing, and didn’t shrink from defending the use of force or from appealing to American values and interests. Furthermore, the president seems to understand we have to win in Libya. I think we will.”"...

via interview on John Batchelor show

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