Sunday, November 13, 2011

US House to hold briefing Monday, 11/14/11 to once and for all end 'climate change skepticism'


11/13/11, "Congressional Climate Briefing to Push “End of Climate Change Skepticism”

," Climate, Etc. Press Release from US House of Representatives regarding a Mon. 11/14/11 briefing to finalize once and for all that 'climate change skepticism' should not be permitted:

"Three prominent scientists will present the best case yet for the end of climate skepticism in Washington and the world over the fact that the world is warming at a congressional briefing held by Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)"...


But George Soros himself says in plain English the 'climate' market is a scam:

12/4/09,"Carbon Capitalists warming to climate market using derivatives," Bloomberg News

"George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator, says money managers would find ways to manipulate cap-and-trade markets.

  • because there are financial opportunities.""...


Now Soros backed INCR and Ceres says we're here to save the world in crisis because we're good guys that's why we're billionaires, trust us, we'll give you:

$20 trillion...BUT ONLY IF

you hand over the lives of 300 million rube Americans to the "greatest pseudo scientific fraud" ever committed, and

"the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it"

man-caused catastrophic climate change or global warming:

From Ceres website, 10/19/11, "World's Largest Investors, Worth $20 Trillion, Step Up Call for Urgent Policy Action on Climate Change"

From INCR website: "World's Largest Investors, Worth $20 Trillion, Step Up Call for Urgent Policy Action on Climate Change"


11/13/11, "Best case yet for the end of climate skepticism," The Reference Frame

"However, now, a few weeks later, Dr Richard Muller just enthusiastically agrees with yet another event in which his results which don't bring anything qualitatively new to the climate debatewill be presented as the case to end the climate skepticism. To err once is human, to err twice is an accident. But I think that now it should be enough for Dr Judith Curry to take the teeth of out Mr Muller's mouth.

If Mr Muller were honest, he would just disagree for his name and his research to be politically abused by notorious liars from the Democratic Party in this shocking way. He's just not honest, so even though he has admitted that the question about the man-made origin of various climate changes remains as open as before and the Berkeley Earth results didn't change anything about it, he agreed to act as a pimp for a politician with a clear and well-defined agenda who wants to "end the climate skepticism"."...

via Tom Nelson

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