Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ft. Hood Islamic slaughter victims and families seek $750 million in compensation from US Army, say political correctness willfully lead to deaths

11/10/11, "Victims, Family Seek $750M For Fort Hood Tragedy," AP, via NPR

"More than 80 victims and family members in the worst-ever mass shooting at a U.S. military installation are seeking $750 million in compensation from the Army, alleging that willful negligence enabled psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan to carry out a terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas.

The administrative claims filed last week say the government had clear warnings that Hasan, who is scheduled to go on trial in March, posed a grave danger to the lives of soldiers and civilians.

The victims and family members allege that the government bowed to political correctness and not only ignored the threat Hasan presented but actually promoted him to the rank of major five months before the massacre two years ago that left 13 dead and more than two dozen wounded."


11/13/11, "Fort Hood jihad victims of Major Muslim Hasan seek $750 million in compensation from the Army," Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

"The devout and pious Muslim mowed down 13 US soldiers at the Fort Hood military base in November 2009 while screaming allahu akbar (and wearing the garb of a shaheed). The people filing this suit are right and deserve compensation. I hope answers come out during the trial.

The American people deserve to know why Obama is shielding Major Hasan. Obama's Fort Hood Jihadist: We have been hearing for years that the White House is withholding evidence on the Fort Hood jihadi, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. This was confimed by Hasan's own lawyer.

And the army knew of jihadis in its ranks and did nothing -- "Islamic holy war — was a serious problem and threat to personnel in the U.S."

Hasan's business card read SoA, Soldier of Allah. Muslim Nidal Hasan gave out his card and qurans the morning of his jihad. More here and here.

Hasan hated America, hated the troops, proselytized his co-workers, planned his jihad and completed his mission. His head was shaved. What else was shaved? If his body was shaved like his head, then the military guys and law enforcement know and have known that this was jihad.

Despite this, the Department of Defense did nothing.

Despite all this, Obama's Department of Defense refused to identify motive (or religious motivation) behind the Fort Hood jihad in its final report on the attack."

Above Hasan Power Point Presentation, pages turn at Atlas Shrugs

via Atlas Shrugs

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