Monday, October 17, 2011

NY Times says Europe recently 'had mild winters.' Then why was a Minister forced to resign in Dec. 2010 after Scotland was crippled by cold and snow?

12/11/10, "Stewart Stevenson's resignation letter," BBC. Minister of Transportation and Climate Change forced to resign after predicting mild European winter; failing to make normal preparations for cold and snow conditions allowed Scotland to be paralyzed.

10/16/11, "Whatever Happened to Global Warming?" NY Times, E. Rosenthal

"But it is also true that Europe has endured a deep recession and has had mild winters."...
  • From Real Science:
"What a bunch of crap …… Last December was the second coldest on record in England.

Jan 8, 2009 – Germany marked record low temperatures for the third day in a row on Thursday, with meteorologists measuring a frosty -33.4 degrees Celsius

2. All-time October low recorded in Bavaria – The Local

Oct 20, 2009 – Meteorologists on Tuesday morning recorded the lowest ever

3. Berlin faces record cold start to December – The Local

Dec 1, 2010 – Berlin is set for the coldest start to December on record

Show more results from

4. DailyTech – Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling…/article10866.htm

Feb 26, 2008 – Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas,…… While countries like Germany spend billions to eliminate fossil …"...


10/15/11, "Greens buy 4x4s to save them from global cooling," UK Telegraph, C. Booker

"Having been badly caught out by last winter’s ice and snow (see below), when its lack of road gritters provoked residents to a mood which, according to an official report, was “angry, vitriolic and even venomous”, Brighton council has spent £1 million on a new fleet of 4x4 gritters to ensure that, in the renewed blizzards predicted for this winter, the city’s roads are kept clear."...

Brighton Beach under snow last winter, photo Rex, UK Telegraph, 10/15/11

3/20/2000: "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past." (UK Independent)

"According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years
  • winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.""...


12/19/10, "A scientific theory is judged by its predictive power," Powerline blog

"It's fun to ridicule the warmists because they are so often wrong, but their errors are in fact significant:

A principal feature of climate hysteria is its proponents' unwillingness to be judged by the
  • standards that govern real science....

12/18/10, "London mortuaries filling up, cold spell sees record deaths in capital," London Daily News

"Fatal accidents, flu and the cold weather have put mortuaries in the capital under "severe pressure" following research carried out by the London Daily News. With local authorities sharing mortuary services in London like Enfield, Barnet and Haringey to save money, mortuaries are not able to cope with the number of deaths occurring in the capital in the build up to Christmas.

  • this is likely according to statisticians and health experts
  • to increase by a further 10-15 per cent in the next months.

Funeral directors have also spoken about "record number of funerals" in the last months, with one funeral director planning to recruit more staff in the New Year to deal with the demand. "...


"Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change" who steered "climate change" warming legislation through Scottish parliament forced to resign after snow and cold paralyzed Scotland. Government failed to prepare so the nation was unnecessarily crippled. After all the harm he caused, the Minister still said it was his great 'pleasure' to steer global warming legislation through Scottish parliament.

12/11/10, "Stewart Stevenson's resignation letter," BBC

Due to recent climate problems, "I felt I should resign as Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change....It was, however, a particular pleasure to be the minister who

is now out of a job for catastrophically incorrect predictions.

BBC photo

"To offset their own carbon emissions, European companies have been wildly overpaying China to incinerate a powerful greenhouse gas known as hfc 23. And in a bizarre twist, those payments have spurred the manufacture of a harmful refrigerant
  • that is being smuggled into the U.S.
  • and used illegally.
European legislators in Brussels have discovered that the strategy they devised to combat climate change is helping subsidize the economy of their, and America’s, major global competitor — China.

European companies have been overpaying Chinese companies more than 70 times the cost to eliminate a potent greenhouse gas — triflouromethane, or hfc 23, a byproduct of manufacturing a refrigerant that has been banned in developed countries and is being phased out in developing ones."...


It might not be a crime if predictions weren't made for the purpose of influencing world governments, stealing money from trusting rubes, and fattening bankers, UN parasites and organized crime in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity. ed.

via Climate Depot, Tom Nelson

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