Monday, October 17, 2011

Insurance companies hide the decline in major hurricanes- Real Science

10/16/11, "Insurance Companies Hiding The Decline In Major Hurricanes," Real Science, Steven Goddard

"The most active period for major hurricanes in the US was 1931-1960. The frequency of major hurricanes is now about half what it was 60 years ago. The most intense hurricane to ever hit the US occurred in 1935."...
  • Insurance companies and Soros groups have big money in making people believe the opposite, that hurricanes are increasing.
10/4/11, "The Trillion-Dollar Storm: Will Hurricanes Drive Us Off The Coasts?" Fast Company, G. Lindsay

"As storms become more powerful and more damaging, will living on the coasts become simply impossible? Insurance companies might try to price you out before we find out."...

Then the article cites a "study" from George Soros pressure group, Ceres, saying "by and large insurers believe in climate change." Why wouldn't his group of 'climate' investors say that?
"A study released earlier this month by Ceres, a consortium of public interest groups, found that by and large insurers believe in climate change--and believe it will increase their losses."...

via Real Science

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