Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama loses NY seat held by DEMOCRATS SINCE 1920. Bob Turner wins historic upset

Special thanks to former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, a democrat, who strongly supported Bob Turner.

  • Above, NY Post front page, Wed., 9/14/11
9/13/11, AP voter returns, 53-47 for Turner over Weprin. (Did I mention this was 'historic?')

9/13/11, "GOP gains House seat vacated by Weiner," NY Times, Thomas Kaplan

"“I am a registered Democrat, I have always been a registered Democrat, I come from a family of Democrats — and I hate to say this, I voted Republican,” said Linda Goldberg, 61, after casting her ballot in Queens. “I need to send a message to the president that he’s not doing a very good job. Our economy is horrible. People are scared.” Mr. Turner will become the first Republican since 1920 elected to represent the Ninth Congressional District, which now stretches from the Rockaways to Forest Hills and encompasses a swath of

On the ground in the district:

"LilyDowning Today 02:56 PM

What a trip, from being represented by a bullying pig who flirted w/other women on the taxpayers dime, to a man who has courage, decency, dignity, common sense, wisdom and no ambition to a career in politics. We have hammered another nail in the coffin of corrupt one-party rule in New York! Everyone I know is doing a happy dance! Yesterday was depressing. There were union bots handing out Weprin brochures and exhorting everyone to vote Dem. You couldn't walk down the block, the sidewalks were so lousy with them. Despte dirty tricks, financing by anti-US, Nazi-toadie Soros, lying about Turner and an overwhelming presence of people bussed in, we won!!!!"

Commenter to American Thinker article, 9/14/11, "Turner's NY 9 victory upsets redistricting deal," American Thinker, Jack Kemp


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