Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Democrats want Romney to be GOP nominee as they think it will help them with ObamaCare v the Supreme Court

9/13/11, "Obamacare Must be Repealed Before the 2014 Changes Kick In," Rush Limbaugh

RUSH: Michele Bachmann hit Obamacare hard last night, and she was on the money, making the point that an executive order alone is not nearly enough to get rid of this. Now, there's a great piece in the American Spectator. Let's see. I think it ran yesterday, maybe it's in today's issue. I'm not sure. It's by Grace-Marie Turner: "Obama's Strategy of Silence." It's the same strategy that FDR used for Social Security: Once you get it, shut up. Once it passes, shut up.
  • Don't say anything about it.
That's why Obama has stopped talking about it. Here's a pull-quote: "That's why it is so crucially important that Obamacare not to slip to a second-tier issue in the political debate. The threats to our liberty, our economy, and our future prosperity could not be greater" than with Obamacare. Grace-Marie Turner also in this piece outlines how the regime's strategery is in place to effect the Supreme Court and why they are so eager for Romney to be our nominee. Remember, Obamacare's the signature issue. It is the ballgame. Remember the intense discussions about this during the debate on this bill, and you remember the intense repeal discussions that took place immediately after it was passed.
But we've got to get that back, because this bill must be repealed."...


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