Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Six US Congressmen forget Tucson, incite racial hatred and use violent war rhetoric against other Americans they label the Tea Party

This was news MSNBC kept to itself. 8/31/11, "MSNBC Journalist Tamron Hall Ignores News While Playing Footsie with Congressional Black Caucus," BigJournalism, L. O'Connor

The Tea Party "would love to see us hanging from a tree." US Rep. Andre Carson, 8/22/11 (video below)

Medley of 6 US elected officials in the Congressional Black Caucus inciting racial hatred and using violent eliminationist and war rhetoric across the country in Town Halls, August 2011, including Andre Carson, Cedric Richmond, Alcee Hastings, Al Green, Frederica Wilson, Maxine Waters:

Andre Carson, US Congressman from Indiana, Congressional Black Caucus Whip in Miami at Town Hall meeting, 8/22/11:

"The Tea Party is stopping that change, this is the effort that we're now seeing of Jim Crow..." :23

"Some of these folks would like to see us as second class citizens".... :33
  • (Audience: "Yeah!")
"Some in congress in the Tea Party movement would love to see us hanging from a tree." :41
  • (Audience: "Yeah!")

Cedric Richmond, US Congressman from Louisiana, Congressional Black Caucus member, in Atlanta, 8/22/11:

"The 4th war we're in is what the Tea Party has started with the United States and particularly the President..." 1:14

"The Tea Party is willing to wreck this economy simply for political gain."...


Alcee Hastings, US Congressman from Florida, CBC member, Miami, 8/22/11

"All of us know racism...(inaudible)..."
  • (Audience: "Yeah!")
"The Tea Party is just a handful of people, but the whole Republican Party has been captivated by that culture."...

Al Green, US Congressman from Texas, CBC member

"They have hijacked the principles of the civil rights movement" and they are coming "into the 'hood." Are we going to let the minority dictate to the majority, are we willing to get out of our comfort zone and go across town and support the Congressional Black Caucus? (I didn't hear him say 'Tea Party' on the video clip. Maybe it was there and I missed it. ed.)


Frederica Wilson, US Congresswoman from Florida, CBC member

"The real enemy is the Tea Party."


Maxine Waters, US Congresswoman from California, CBC member

"The Tea Party can go to hell" 4:10 "And I intend to help them get there." (Rep. Waters' follow up statement about helping them get there is on second video below. It is left off the first video)




8/8/11, American Thinker commenter Feral Cat on the race card:

"The Race Card is the most rapid-fire, all purpose, over used and abused, ad hominem and vapid weapon of smear, mass deception and diversion ever conceived by man. It is a weapon under which weak minds are servilely crouched and can be fired with the greatest of ease by even the most reason and integrity challenged, and in fact, was designed especially for use by them. It is void of justice. It is void of liberty. It needs no footing in rationality. It is, in plain and clear fact,

via Mark Levin show

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