Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obama issues global talking points on 911, says downplay Al Qaeda as 'increasingly irrelevant.' But bin Laden said goal was to destroy US economy

In Dec. 2001, bin Laden said the goal was "destruction of the US economy" which "even his own death could not stop." Violence was just a tactic to hurry the ultimate goal of destroying a US economy "on the verge of collapse."

8/31/11, "White House issues guidelines for honouring September 11 anniversary, report says," NewsCore

"Al-Qaeda, however, is downplayed as a major threat following the death of Osama bin Laden.

The guidelines say al-Qaeda terrorists "still have the ability to inflict harm," but that the network has become

  • "increasingly irrelevant," The Times reported."...


Especially meaningless since the goal has always been to destroy our economy which has been accomplished.

12/28/01, "Osama: Hit U.S. Economy," NY Daily News, Helen Kennedy

""It is important to concentrate on the destruction of the American economy," Bin Laden says on the 33-minute tape, broadcast in full yesterday by Al Jazeera TV in Qatar. "If their economy ends, they will become too busy to enslave oppressed people."

Bin Laden bragged that the attacks caused losses of "more than a trillion dollars on the New York market and elsewhere."

"This economic hemorrhaging continues until today but requires more blows."...

Bin Laden, 44, said America was on the verge of collapse and that even his own death could not stop it.

"We say that the end of the United States is imminent - whether Bin Laden or his followers are alive or dead - for the awakening of the Muslim nation has occurred," he says on the tape, which was air-mailed anonymously to Al Jazeera from Pakistan."...


12/12/2010, "The Target of the Terrorists Has Always Been Our Economy," American Thinker, T.L. Davis

via WZ

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