Thursday, August 18, 2011

Obama DOJ admits its ATF gun program led to at least 11 violent crimes within the US paid for with US tax dollars

UPDATE, 8/30/11, "But agents were often told to abandon surveillance of the weapons, allowing them — and the straw buyers — to disappear, according to testimony from numerous agents before the House." The Hill

Total number of deaths due to Obama program not stated.

8/17/11, "‘Fast and Furious’ weapons found at more violent crime scenes," Washington Times, Jerry Seper

"The Justice Department confirmed that the illegally purchased weapons recently were found at the sites of at least 11 violent crimes.

The department did not specifically identify any of the locations, but congressional sources and others said the weapons were located at crime sites in Arizona and Texas. More than 40 weapons, the sources said, were recovered near El Paso, Texas, alone,

  • all of which were traced back to the Fast and Furious operation.

The 11 sites are in addition to the Arizona desert location just north of the border where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry was killed Dec. 15 in a firefight involving Mexican gunmen. Terry, 40, was among four Border Patrol agents attempting to arrest bandits who prey on illegal immigrants when he was fatally wounded about 10 miles north of the Arizona-Mexico border near Rio Rico, 60 miles south of Tucson, Arizona....

More than 1,000 of the guns are still at large, Justice said.

Asked how many guns from all the suspects in the Fast and Furious operation had not been recovered, the department wrote that “the total number...

  • is one thousand forty-eight [1,048].”

“We are advised that ATF was not aware of the majority of these purchases at the time they actually occurred,” the department wrote....

In the letter, first reported by the Los Angeles Times, Justice Department officials did note that ATF Acting Director Kenneth E. Melsonlikely became aware” of the Fast and Furious investigation as early as December 2009, a month after theMr. Melson has said he did not know of the program until after January 2011."...


More links on Obama Gunrunner/Contra story, timelines:

6/27/11, "ATF whistleblower fired by Obama admin. accused of having BO"

7/6/11, "At least one American and one Mexican murdered via Obama/Eric Holder ATF gun scheme paid for with US tax dollars"

7/8/11, "Member of Obama DOJ met with Arizona gun dealer in May 2010 re Gunrunner/Fast & Furious concerns. 7 months later US citizen Brian Terry was killed"

7/20/11, "Obama-Contra such as guns from Florida to Honduras, the media would rather stone itself to death than know about or tell Americans about"

via Lucianne

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