8/13/11, Farrakhan says Fort Hood killer just a Muslim psychiatrist who couldn't take hearing about rape, sodomy, and terrorism done by American soldiers-speech in Harlem 8/13/11
Farrakhan says NPR reported a 2004 study where, "71% of women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while serving in the US armed forces." Then says a 1995 study of female veterans of the Gulf and earlier wars found 90% had been sexually harassed. "These are American soldiers sexually harassing and raping American women who are soldiers." Then, what are these soldiers doing when they go and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries? "What are they doing to Muslim women, what are they doing to Muslim men?" "Sodomizing men in Abu Ghraib"..."raping Iraqi women dressed like our Muslim sisters, raping them and then killing their families."...
At 2:00, "Why did Army Major...Hasan, a Muslim psychiatrist at Fort Hood go on a shooting spree after being assigned to debrief soldiers who came back from the theatre of war, and they are telling him things they did against their conscience? And a Muslim psychiatrist is hearing about the rape of Muslim women and the killing and sodomizing of families. He couldn't take it anymore, so he just shot up the soldiers. They want you to think he's a terrorist, but he was debriefing terrorists and unfortunately it took his balance."
via Mark Levin show
Farrakhan is an idiot. That comment was unamerican!