Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Would-be rock star Gingrich entered CPAC with spotlights which should have been on his anti-job, anti-energy resume

UPDATE, 1/22/12, Obviously it must be Gingrich over Obama. Pamela Geller describes it best: "He's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch." Romney was hell bent on losing, would not bend. A carbon copy of McCain who never wanted to win, told us to shut up, that Obama would be fine. Such a person should of course not be a presidential candidate:

1/21/12, "Newt Gingrich Wins. What It Means." Erick Erickson,

"Newt Gingrich’s rise has a lot to do with Newt Gingrich’s debate performance. But it has just as much to do with a party base in revolt against its thought and party leaders in Washington, DC. The base is revolting because they swept the GOP back into relevance in Washington just under two years ago and they have been thanked with contempt ever since.

Adding insult to injury, the party
and thought leaders now try to foist on the base a milquetoast moderate from Massachusetts. Newt Gingrich can thank Mitt Romney and more for the second look he is getting. Base hostility will now be exacerbated by Mitt Romney’s backers now undoubtedly making a conscious effort to prop up Rick Santorum to shut down Newt Gingrich."...

Gingrich is the epitome of the problem, not the solution.

5/11/11, "Newt's Candidacy, D.O.A.? Pelosi's Buddy - The Big Green, Big Ethanol, Big Spending, Big Govt Republican," C3 Headlines

"Let's be blunt:
  • unfit for office.
  • Any politician who thinks that the American populace will put them in office to direct and manage climate change is literally unfit for office.
  • Any politician who believes the U.S. Congress and the bureaucracy should be responsible for the global climate is literally unfit for office.
  • Any politician who believes that Americans will put them in office to do the actual bidding for the United Nation's wealth redistribution schemes via climate change regulatory policies is literally unfit for office.
  • Finally, any politician who supports billions of big business subsidies for the absolute idiotic and incredibly wasteful ethanol program literally should never be allowed near the White House.

Well now.....based on those parameters, then Newt is literally unfit for office, especially the Oval Office. He is the wrong man, at the wrong time, for our modern economic and employment problems, and our soon to crash and burn, out-of-control federal government debt/spending.

The huge, exponentially growing problems this nation faces are not the result of either global warming or global climate change. They are the result of politicians with delusions of grandeur and believed omniscience, which Newt embodies big-time. He's the epitome of the problem that exists, not the solution we dearly need.

"“American Tradition Partnership welcomes Newt Gingrich’s entry into the Democrat presidential primary, where his decades-long record of radical ‘green’ activism will make for a close contest between he and President Obama for the liberal base,”..."As a paid operative of ethanol interests and an outspoken advocate of global regulatory regimes, redistribution of wealth, federal controls of private property, multi-billion dollar welfare programs for wind and solar and taxing Americans into what he calls ‘environmental compliance,’ Gingrich’s entry into the Democrat race was a foregone conclusion.”...“Gingrich’s 2008 TV ad he recorded at the request of Al Gore, where he snuggles on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi and blames the American economy for so-called ‘global warming’ is the kind of manifesto that really speaks to radical environmentalists. And we all know how much environmentalists love issuing manifestos.”"

"Gingrich was the only CPAC speaker who made a grandiose, rock star-style entrance down the aisle of the Marriott Ballroom, complete with spotlights and the raucous song “Eye of the Tiger.” Every other speaker humbly entered the stage from the wings, with relatively little fanfare...he pretends to be pro-job and pro-energy, but Newt Gingrich is truly a radical, liberal environmentalist of the highest order. He wants the government to pay people to be environmentalists, and he misguidedly claims that this is "public-private environmentalism" which upholds a partnership between the government and the private sector. His proposals are far from free market environmentalism. He wants to combine government with wealth redistribution...Gingrich has long advocated for what he considers “Green Conservatism,” and advocates for government intervention in free enterprise, the use of international organizations, free trade agreements. He even argues in favor of former President Jimmy Carter’s failed energy policy (Gingrich voted in favor of a federal Department of Energy, as well as the Department of Education, two unconstitutional policies comprising the core of Carter’s doomed domestic agenda).""


4/11/2007, "Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees -- and (Almost) Each Other," Washington Post, Dana Milbank


Organized crime has benefited the most from the global warming industry.


Gingrich said in 2010 that he would do an ad with Pelosi again, and he'd even do one with Al Gore. (Al Gore admitted he lied about ethanol to get elected).


1/25/11, "Newt Gingrich Panders to Corn Belt, Eyes 2012 GOP Bid,", Brian McGraw

"It’s depressing that Gingrich, much like Bob Barr and Al Gore, is willing to shed intellectual honesty to win votes."...

7/16/10, "America's Ruling Class-and the perils of Revolution," by Angelo Codevilla


2/21/11, "Green economy needs 2% of every nation's income, says UN," UK Guardian, Fiona Harvey

7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe


10/8/10, "Murder on the Carbon Express: Interpol Takes On Emissions Fraud," Mother Jones, M. Schapiro


11/14/10, "Climate policy distributes the world's new wealth," NZZ, am Sonntag, German press, interview with former co-chair of the UN IPCC Ottmar Edenhofer" a German economist

via Climate Depot

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