Thursday, May 12, 2011

Biased AP polls 17% more democrats, touts as unbiased news, Obama uses it hoping US voters will forget they have no job, no savings, and food stamps

5/11/11, "Bam Hits the Trail with Bin Laden, Armed with Bogus AP Approval Poll May 11, 2011,"

"Meanwhile, ladies and gentlemen, our brave young president has added his heroic killing of Bin Laden to his campaign stump speech, which means he's practically dredged up the body of Bin Laden so he can campaign with it. "Obama and Bin Laden Appear in El Paso," is an appropriate headline. It's kind of like, do you remember the movie Weekend with Bernie, did you see that? Well, I'm starting to think that the way Obama is talking, everywhere he goes he's gonna be taking Osama with him, gonna be reminding everybody how heroic he was and how uniquely intelligent he was. How all of these people tried to get Osama but only he, Obama, pulled it off, an event that we have memorialized in our Club Gitmo merchandise line at the EIB Store....

Do you remember how the news media warned Bush how they would go after him if he even dared to mention 9/11 in any of his campaign speeches or ads?
Do you remember those admonitions? Do you hear any similar admonitions against President Obama as he runs around and practically campaigns with the corpse? No, you don't hear anything like that. But, anyway, Obama's strategy appears to be paying off, if you believe the AP poll. The AP and one other poll are very questionable. AP has Obama at 60% approval, but then we'll get into detail here in a moment. If you look at their sample, it's like 46% Democrat, 21% Republican," (Rush later gives official breakdown of 17 point AP skew, 46-29-4) "small number of independents and moderates and so forth, the No Labels people. But it's a joke. The AP poll is an absolute joke.

Get this, now. Yahoo news asks you to rate the news stories that you're reading on their website. Their top story right now, the number one story is their AP poll of Obama now at 60% job approval. ...
A little bit here about this Associated Press poll. Folks, get this and put it in perspective for you. Some of the other polling data that is out there. Rasmussen Reports the Obama approval index at Rasmussen is minus 12. His "strongly approve" number is 25% at Rasmussen; his "strongly disapprove" number is 37%. The overall, total approval for Obama at Rasmussen is 48%. Gallup is about the same. The Wall Street Journal is about the same. AP is a nightmare. There are couple of others, maybe one other that I have it in front of me,... that are reporting in nonsense, and I can demonstrate for you how nonsensical it is by sharing with you AP's own analysis of their poll.

The AP analysis says that Obama's getting such a spike, such a huge increase in his general approval numbers because of this. He has proved now to the American people that he is a strong leader who will protect us from terrorism. He's proven that now. He's taken all doubt about that off the table. But that's not all. This AP poll is an attempt to convince us that by killing Bin Laden and taking Bin Laden on the campaign trail with him, that Obama has now ended the recession. Obama has now lowered unemployment. He has solved the housing market collapse, and he has put an end to the spiraling cost of food and gasoline. ...

This proves one of my contentions for many, many moons behind the Golden EIB Microphone in that polls are not a reflection of public opinion.

They are an attempt to shape it. Make no mistake about it. The media used these polls to promote the politicians they like and punish those that they don't like, and it is as clear as a bell in this AP poll....
We know the bias exists. We have to come to accept it and live with it, but it's still striking when you see it to this degree in the AP.

Here's the official breakout on the AP poll that shows Obama at 60% approval number. Forty-six percent of the respondents were Democrat; 29% were Republican; and 4% were independent. (laughing) It's a laughable joke."
5/11/11, "Latest AP poll sample skews to democrats 17 points," The Corner, Jim Geraghty

artwork from Rush
Sept, 2009, "At $133 per person we’re talking about
Paid for by the few people who have full time jobs.

via Drudge Report

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