Friday, January 7, 2011

Next Ground Zero mosque protest Thurs., Feb. 3, 12:45pm, and Sept. 11, 2011

UPDATE, 9/8/11 about Sept. 11, 2011 gathering, From Atlas Shrugs: "
Join us as we honor the victims and rededicate ourselves to fighting for freedom on September 11 (2011) at West Broadway and Park Place at our 911 Freedom Rally. "...

It looks like 1, 2, and 3 trains will get you to the Park Place subway stop. The WTC train is E which might be fine but I wouldn't take it myself. I was at Pamela Geller's 2010 gathering at this same location (Park Pl. and W. Bwy) and access to the area was very restricted, many side streets blocked, cops everywhere saying you can't go there, etc. I had to walk for a long time before I was able to get to the location of our gathering. Here is a subway map. ed.

UPDATE: 2/4/11, "Standing Room Only in the Kangaroo Court of NYC Council Quislings," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller, photo from Atlas Shrugs

To Shop Or Not to Shop, Despots Decide

From Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs:

NY Mayor Bloomberg offers back room deals and taxpayer financing to lure a mosque to the World Trade Center, but Walmart in NY City-he finds that cause for alarm. The city will hold hearings to stop Walmart, and Pamela Geller views this as a time to protest government support for the Ground Zero mosque:

1/6/11, "Mayor Bloomberg: An Abject Failure," American Thinker, Pamela Geller

"But Walmart scares (NY City Council Speaker) Quinn.
She is holding hearings next week to keep Walmart out of New York City. Quinn's New York City Council had declared December 14 "Hate Walmart Day." These are the village idiots running this city. Mighty mosqueteer Christine Quinn said that it would be a bad thing to be
The idea that our taxpayer dollars are funding the prohibition of a source of jobs and cheap prices while this same ruling class is working vigorously to build a victory mosque at Ground Zero is symbolic of the treachery and deceit that has become
  • standard operating procedure for our elected officials.
Quinn's Wal-Mart hearing will be (Thurs.) Feb. 3, at 49-51 Chambers Street at 12:45PM. Please protest the Ground Zero mosque at these ridiculous hearings. Expose the hyprocrisy of the New York City Council and Bloomberg:
  • no to Wal-Mart, but taxpayer funds for a fifteen-story victory mosque in a building destroyed in the 9/11 attacks....
"Speaker Quinn strongly supports the Ground Zero mosque and added her considerable weight to the 150-million-dollar mosquestrosity when the existing building on the site was being considered for landmark status
  • (which would have put a kink into the imperialist ambitions of the radical Ground Zero imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan).
Since the City Council had the last say in the landmarking process, Quinn's comments carried added weight, and landmark status was denied, paving the way for Mecca on the Hudson....

Christine Quinn and Bloomberg's toolbox, aka. the New York City Council, are refusing to allow the
  • jobs and lower prices that Walmart would bring into Manhattan."...

Above, September 11, 2001 near World Trade Center, Manhattan



9/11/01, AP above


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