Saturday, January 8, 2011

If the mob has gotten in touch with Fred Upton and suggested he pretend he believes in global warming if he wants to remain in good health...


Upton must deal with it as others have. This is the price tag for letting this scandal go on for decades. He must not conflate being good stewards of the environment, knowing about natural climate change, including that palm trees once grew in the Arctic with

CO2 is harmless and the trillion dollar 'climate' industry admits it's just something to ensure the death of the American middle class which somehow survived the 'acid rain' scam. Fred Upton, you may think we'll forget if you screw up on this, but we won't.

"The chairman-designate of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said on Fox News Sunday... that he is in favor of regulating of carbon dioxide. According to a report in The Hill:

  • 'Asked whether he believes greenhouse gases are a problem in need of addressing at all, Upton replied, “we want to do this in a reasonable way,” and cited the need to boost development of energy sources like low-emissions coal, nuclear power and natural gas to meet growing demand.'

I’m sure outgoing Energy Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman thought his plan to regulate CO2 was “reasonable” as well.

Prepare yourself for the coming GOP wimp-out…"

key phrase,"we want to do this in a reasonable way." DO what?

Reference: 10/26/09, "Palms once grew in ice-free arctic," Reuters by Alister Doyle published in Australian Broadcasting Corporation News in Science, 10/26/09. photo from ABC.Au Science website, stock.xchange

(Once grew in the Arctic).

11/20/09, Right before the Copenhagen global warming conference in December 2009, the


5/3/10, "Environmentalist critics of the ETS (emissions trading) however said that

"Carbon markets are highly susceptible to fraud, given their complexity and the fact that it is not always clear what is being traded," said Oscar Reyes of Carbon Trade Watch.

  • "It's good that the commission and tax authorities are clamping down, but it is unlikely that this will be the last case of carousel fraud,

but also unlikely that it will be the last type of fraud involved in emissions trading.""

via Tom Nelson

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