Saturday, August 10, 2024

79 years ago today, August 9, 1945, US Pres. Truman--not wishing US to be “isolationist”--completed world’s worst terrorist attack in history by dropping 10,000 pound bomb on Nagasaki, Japan


79 years ago today, August 9, 1945, US Pres. Truman completed the worst terrorist attack in history by dropping a 10,000 pound atom bomb on civilians in Nagasaki, Japan. Hitler had committed suicide in Berlin on April 30, 1945 as heavy fighting of Soviet forces neared his command bunker. But US Pres. Truman, protected by vast oceans, and not wishing US to be isolationist,dropped two nuclear bombs on civilians, first on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, then three days later on Nagasaki. “The 10,000-pound weapon was detonated at an altitude of approximately 1,800 feet over the city. The bomb had an explosive force (yield) of about 20,000 tons of TNT, about the same as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Because of Nagasaki’s hilly terrain, however, the damage was somewhat less extensive than of the relatively flat Hiroshima.”… Truman even considered dropping a third atom bomb: Truman decided not to use a third atom bomb to kill Japan Emperor Hirohito:Truman did not want to use a third atomic bomb solely for the purpose of deposing Hirohito. He told his cabinet that the thought of killing another 100,000 people–many of them children-–was too horrible.“…[3rd paragraph]…“Truman offered Eisenhower the presidency on the Democratic ticket at Christmas 1951, and not for the first time, but for the fourth. “If I do what I want to do, I’ll go back to Missouri,” Truman confided in a handwritten letter to Eisenhower. “If you decide to finish the European job (and I don’t know who else can) I must keep the isolationists out of the White House.”… I wish the Russian Federation would flatten the Pentagon and Buckingham Palace. I see that as the only solution. It would give US taxpayers time to breakup the US into at least 3 separate countries, thus reducing revenue currently enjoyed by the Pentagon.




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