Sunday, March 3, 2024

Video clips document the irreplaceable Andrew Breitbart whom we lost much too soon on March 1, 2012 at age 43. CPAC asked him to speak about "tolerance and unity." Thankfully, those weren't Andrew's priorities


By the way, people that asked me to come here asked me to speak about tolerance and unity. I’ll get to that a little bit later....Andrew Breitbart, 2/10/2012 at CPAC referring to upcoming Nov. 2012 election @ 7:22. Andrew died on March 1, 2012.



Ultimate Andrew Breitbart Compilation,” you tube…(The irreplaceable Andrew Breitbart died on March 1, 2012 at age 43. This compilation of video clips was posted in 2018)

Above @ :32, Andrew asks protesters chanting “No more hate,” and carrying signs such as “Racism is wrong,” and “Glenn Beck lies,” “Do you even know what you’re protesting?” At 1:00, as crowd continues to chant, “No more hate,” a man tells Breitbart he does know why he’s protesting, so Andrew says, “Are you here to stop the hate?” The man says “yes.” Later the man adds, “I’m here to stop the hate that Glenn Beck is promulgating.” At 1:17, Breitbart says, “Like what? Name one thing he’s said that’s hateful. The man had no answer, so at 1:30 he told Breitbart, “I’m not going to fall into your trap.”

Below, half a minute later, the protesters dispersed simply because they couldn’t give Andrew a reason for their signs:



Below, at 7:22 Andrew speaking at CPAC in 2012 was for some of us a brief moment of joy since CPAC otherwise is just an ugly, Establishment parasite. Andrew gave this wonderful speech on Feb. 10, 2012 and would be dead only 20 days later, collapsing from a heart attack at age 43.…At 7:22, referring to upcoming Nov. 2012 election:

By the way, people that asked me to come here

asked me to speak about tolerance and unity.

I’ll get to that a little bit later.”


Added: In 2011 Breitbart published his book, “Righteous Indignation:”

Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World! Hardcover – April 15, 2011," by Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart had spoken to crowds across the country for several years. As it happens, in October, 2010, one month before 2010 midterm elections, he spoke to a crowd of 5000 in Houston, Texas. As he relates in his Epilogue, there was no media coverage of his speech. In November, 2010, voters unwanted by the entire political establishment gave the Republican House a landslide victory of 63 seats.  

This enraged the GOP. Per Rush Limbaugh, 10/16/2013, “GOP Seeks to Rid Itself of the Tea Party,” Rush Limbaugh transcript:

Even if it takes 15 years in the wilderness to rebuild a new base of people who don’t embarrass them, of people who are of the right temperament. Maybe that’s what they’re willing to do.”…After all, until 1994, the House had been controlled by democrats for 40 straight years and no one complained. Following paragraph from Epilogue of Andrew Breitbart’s 2011 book:

(Above paragraph is first page of Epilogue in Breitbart’s 2011 book).


Added: GOP Establishment considered it their job to effectively nullify the historic Nov. 2010 election: As soon as they get here,” [GOP Establishment insider Trent] Lott said of the new wave of legislators, [elected in Nov. 2010] “we need to co-opt them.”

Jan. 5, 2011, And so the Co-Opting Begins,, by Bob Edgar, Contributor, Pres. and CEO, Common Cause

“Back in the summer [of 2010], when it began to look like the Tea Party might get a boatload of political neophytes elected to Congress, senator-turned-lobbyist

Trent Lott sounded an alarm for Washington’s influence industry.

So as the new Congress convenes this week, no one should be surprised to learn that

the co-opting is well underway.

On Tuesday night, just hours before they stood in the House chamber to swear their allegiance to the Constitution, at least a dozen new lawmakers sipped cocktails and got better acquainted with the capital’s lobbying corps at a glitzy, $2,500 per ticket reception

thrown in their honor….

Tuesday’s gathering at the W Hotel is among dozens of such meet-and-greet breakfasts, cocktail parties and other political fundraisers held in Washington every week when Congress is in session….

Indeed, in the first four weeks after their election in November [2010], newly-elected lawmakers were feted at 18 Washington fundraisers, where they collected cash to retire their 2010 campaign debts and began stockpiling money for 2012.

It’s tempting to dismiss some of these new legislators, those who ran for office promising to look out for the middle class and to break the influence of special interests on our government, as hypocrites.”Jan. 5, 2011


Added: Two among comments at Amazon about Andrew’s 2011 book:

5.0 out of 5 stars Walk Toward The Fire

Jaci, Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2011

If you ever watch the news, listen to the radio or check the headlines on, you must read this book. There is a battle going on for the information gateway of our country: the news media complex.

And the great general leading the charge, the brilliant strategist who has been literally on the forefront of this fight and has seen it from the inside-out and the ground-up,

who makes it possible for you and I to literally hear “the rest of the story”….is Andrew Breitbart.

Anything we know today, about the JournoList, about ACORN, about Pigford is directly because of Andrew Breitbart. (And if you don’t know about any of the things I just mentioned, start researching, because this affects YOU)

“Righteous Indignation” is part memoir, part treatise, part history lesson. It begins with the infamous ACORN sting investigation, in which James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles went to multiple ACORN offices around the country and asked ACORN to help them find tax breaks for their brothel, in which they claimed to employ underage illegal immigrants.

Yes, they explicitly stated that was their business – underage human trafficking.

And Breitbart dropped the videos, one by one. Aside from the moral repugnance of the actions of the ACORN offices, the bigger story was that

ACORN was doing this using taxpayer dollars.
Within weeks, Congress unanimously voted to defund one of the largest community activists groups in the country. All because of some bloggers and a couple of kids with a camera….
The difference is, Breitbart isn’t a multimillionaire doing this out of academic interest. This is his life. This is his country. This is our country. And it’s time we stepped up and protected it. Walk toward the fire.”
5.0 out of 5 starsA sad loss”

Reviewed in Italy on April 12, 2018



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