Tuesday, June 6, 2023

“Lockdown was NOT a “policy mistake”…It was murder”-Off-Guardian…”New research” finds “the science of lockdowns is clear; data are in: deaths saved were drop in the bucket compared to staggering collateral costs imposed”-UK Telegraph


March 2020 lockdowns in UK were based on dire predictions of death made by UK computer modeler, Neil Ferguson...“Researchers for the Johns Hopkins study said the findings showed that lockdowns had been “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions”.”

6/5/23, OffG’s Quick Take: Lockdown was NOT a “policy mistake”…It was murder. Off Guardian

“Yesterday, the Telegraph [UK] reported on “new research” which claims that lockdowns saved only 1700 lives in England and Wales. A “drop in the bucket” compared to the harms done: [6/4/23, “Lockdown benefits ‘a drop in the bucket compared to the costs’, landmark study finds,” UK Telegraph, L. Donnelly]

The science of lockdowns is clear; the data are in: the deaths saved were a drop in the bucket compared to the staggering collateral costs imposed.”

This is not a revelation, it’s not an admission, it’s not the system checks-and-balances working. Rather, it is public relations, perception management. Just one more example of the revisionism we highlighted in the most recent This Week in the New Normal.

It’s a campaign which pretends to accountability and honesty, but is really about carefully managing the covid autopsy. Ensuring any and all Covid conversation is had purely on the establishment’s terms, whilst

lulling those freshly-awakened by the pandemic back into a sound sleep.

The “new research” is basically a re-statement of the fundamental lie masquerading as “confession”. It “admits” that lockdown had little to no impact on “covid deaths”, which is just a backdoor way of maintaining the fiction that “covid deaths” really happened.

It doesn’t question the efficacy of the tests, the definitions of “cases” or “deaths”, or any of the architecture of the Covid scam. It just reinforces the basic underlying assumptions:

Covid was indeed a thing, and it did kill people.

Both of which are proven lies.

The truth is lockdowns didn’t save any lives at all, and none of the “consequences” of lockdown were a surprise. We go into this in our “40 Facts” on Covid.

The poverty, the depression, despair. The shuttered stores and closed hospitals and bankrupt businesses.

They were all predictable, and all deliberate.

They knew that’s what would happen…that’s what it was for.

That’s why “Covid” was invented.

Lockdown was not a policy mistake, it was a policy success.”


Added: Further from Telegraph article referenced above, notes March 2020 lockdowns in UK were based on dire predictions made by UK computer modeler, Neil Ferguson:

The Telegraph recently revealed that a secretive government unit worked with social media companies during the pandemic in an attempt to curtail criticism of controversial lockdown policies.

The Covid Disinformation Unit monitored social media and asked tech companies to remove posts it considered to be “potentially harmful content”.

Britain’s first lockdown, in March 2020, was introduced on the basis of modelling exercises from Prof Neil Ferguson which had predicted there could be more than 500,000 deaths in the UK, without action to stop the spread of the virus.

His research had suggested that even with mitigations such as social distancing, and household quarantines for Covid cases, there could be at least 250,000 deaths, unless further measures were taken….

Modelling by Prof Ferguson and his colleagues from Imperial College London in March 2020 had predicted that, without action, the UK could see 510,000 deaths from Covid,

with 2.2 million in the United States. 

After lockdown was imposed, the scientist suggested that “intense social distancing and other interventions now in place” could reduce that figure to 20,000 in the UK.

The Covid Inquiry is set to examine the Government’s decision making during the pandemic but it has already been the subject of significant criticism relating to its speed, scope and transparency.

Researchers for the Johns Hopkins study said the findings showed that lockdowns had been “a global policy failure of gigantic proportions”.”


Among comments to Off Guardian article:


“Maxwell, Jun 6, 2023 3:06 AM:


Lockdowns are crimes against humanity,

every single public leader who supports them

should be treated as a criminal.

Those who advocated for lockdowns are complicit in tearing families apart, in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world, in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into

even further grinding poverty- in murder. 

Being a decent human being and supporting lockdowns are mutually exclusive.

If you supported lockdowns, you also supported:

suicide, depression, drug overdoses, domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, missed medical screenings and procedures, wealth inequality,

mass starvation and destitution.

In terms of the most horrendous acts on the part of mankind, the

Lockdown ranks up there with any of the worst events in history.

Keep in mind the impacts of these murderous policies have just started their lifecycle.”


Added: 6/5/23,  “12. Sadism of the ruling class.

The kids were denied a year or two of school in some locations.

People missed medical diagnostics.

Weddings and funerals were on Zoom.

The aged were forced into desperate loneliness. The poor suffered. People turned to substance abuse and put on added pounds. The working classes were exploited. Small businesses were wrecked. Millions were forced to move and millions more were displaced from their jobs. The ruling class that advertised its wonderful altruism and public spiritedness became callous and completely disregarded all this suffering. Even when the data poured in about suicide ideation and mental illness from loneliness, it made no difference. They could not muster any concern. They changed nothing. The schools stayed closed and the travel restrictions stayed in place. Those who pointed this out were called terrible names. It was a form of grotesque sadism of which we did not know they were capable.“…6/5/23, Brownstone, Tucker


Added: 11/5/2021, New Jersey truck driver Edward Durr cites voter backlash against US “pandemic” policies for his “shock” election to NJ State Senate, defeating longtime Democrat NJ State Senate head Steve Sweeney:

“It was a repudiation of the policies that have been forced down their throats

— people told

they can’t have a job,

they can’t go to church,

they can’t go to school,

they can’t go shopping,

they can’t go and eat dinner,”

Durr told NBC New York. “You can’t tell people they can’t do things when we live in the freest country in the world.””


Added: As of Nov. 30, 2020, one third of New Jersey small businesses had closed permanently pursuant to Trump’s March 2020 declaration of National Emergency due to a virus:

“The Harvard-based data tracking project TrackTheRecovery.org recently put out numbers indicating that 31% of businesses in New Jersey have closed, a figure slightly above the national average.”…


Added: Nationwide, as of 11/29/2020, about one third of all businesses had closed:

11/29/2020, Nearly one-third of NY, NJ small businesses reportedly closed in 2020,” Fox Business News

Nearly one-third of small businesses in New York and New Jersey have closed because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to TrackTheRecovery.org….

As of Nov. 16, [2020] 27.8 percent of small businesses in New York shut down for good – and in New Jersey the figure is 31.2 percent.

The stats are in line with the national average at 29.8 percentThe Hill reported.

During the first wave in spring,

52.5 percent of New York businesses and

53.9 percent in New Jersey closed.”…




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