Sunday, January 29, 2023

Ukraine is willing to use “their blood and our bullets” as many countries were in 1980s Reagan era says Oliver North. US attack on Communist China is next so "we" better hurry and ship weapons to Taiwan, he says-12/21/2022


Those people in the 1980s” in Latin America, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, and Afghanistan “were willing as the Ukrainian people are to use their blood and our bullets.”…Oliver North, 12/21/2022

12/21/2022, “Most of that [Ukraine war] money [$110 billion] is spent here in the United States: Oliver North,” Fox News video


Excerpts from Fox News Oliver North interview:

12/21/22, Host Jason Chaffetz on Hannity show: “Here for reaction, retired Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North. Some are concerned–110 billion dollarsis that money well spent?”…

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North:

@:36, “...It’s money well spent. In my humble opinion, this is

like what Ronald Reagan did in the 80s. I have experience with that….

He believed in supporting freedom fighters. He did it in

Latin America. He did it in Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique.

He did it in Afghanistan. (@:53) Those people were willing as

the Ukrainian people are to use their blood and our bullets.

By the way, most of that

$110 billion spent here in the United States.

It is provided to contractors and defense logisticians that

build the systems we are getting. Most spent here in America.

Good, hard working Americans have the jobs. And when you

look at that kind of investment.”...

(Text from interview continues at second Fox News video below).

12/21/22 Fox News Oliver North interview continuing from above,

We have to ensure they get the right message, no more

invasions: Oliver North,” Fox News, You Tube

Continuing from above @1:37, Oliver North;

People in Taiwan are going to need the same kinds of

weapons systems that we’re now providing to the

Ukrainians. And we’d better get hot at it because the

Communist Chinese aren’t backing down. They’re

watching very carefully what we’re doing. 

Host Jason Chaffetz: “...I wish we had more of a debate

about it.” (@4:18)


Added: No more invasions,” US tells others? US does or causes

most of the “invading” via its unlimited access to US tax dollars.

Freeing the World to Death:” ...US has attempted to “free,” ie,

overthrow other governments at least 57 times between

World War II and 2019:

Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List,”

by William Blum

Freeing the World to Death.” 

(*Indicates successful ouster

of a government). [In 2002 case

of Venezuela,

Hugo Chavez was

out of power for only two days.]

Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?

A: Because there’s no American embassy there.”


Added: “Whatever the sympathy we may have for the people

of the United States, their country is still the main predator

of humanity. We can in no circumstance claim to share their

“values”.”Manlio Dinucci, Italy, 2019

7/31/2019, The US model for “sovereign” government,”

Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire net

“Concerning “democratic sovereignty,” let’s not forget the series

of wars and coups d’État perpetrated by the United States,

from 1945 to the present day, in more than 30 countries."

US will consider Italy’s interests to be legitimate only

as long as Italy remains part of the NATO herd, dominated

by the United States,

follows them from war to war,

increases on their demand its military spending,

and leaves its territory at the disposition

of US forces and bases.”…


Added: Continuous warfare” is the US Deep State’s

“only business product.” It “considers global conflict as

the price to pay for maintaining its largesse from the US taxpayer.”

11/7/2019, Philip Giraldi


Added: Comment on Oliver North’s “candor:”

Amazing candor from Iran-Contra felon Ollie North:

Ukraine is just like Reagan’s dirty wars in Central America,

Africa and Afghanistan.

Most of the aid is a kickback to US weapons makers

and Beltway contractors. The proxy war is preparation

for a larger war

w/ China over Taiwan.

Max Blumenthal twitter, 12/29/2022


My comment: Someone has to stop the US global killing machine.

The Russian Federation is the only one to take on the job so far.

I’m most grateful to them and wish them the best. Either the US must be broken up or the entire "US military" must be shut down. There's no third way.




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