Sunday, August 21, 2022

We need defeat for US/UK, “preferably, defeat in spades. Victory for the West leads only to human misery and suffering.” Among Top 10 comments to Moon of Alabama post, “Quality Of Ukraine Reporting Continues To Deteriorate”-Sat., Aug. 20, 2022


What truly frightens me is that UK, a prime instigator in Ukraine Nazism since 2014, could “win” in some way. It would accelerate the power dive into the US economic cesspit…. So let’s have defeat. Preferably, defeat in spades, with a resounding failure for the establishment stooges.Victory for the West leads only to human misery and suffering on an inconceivable scale.”…Top Commenter #24

8/20/22, Quality Of Ukraine Reporting Continues To Deteriorate," Moon of Alabama

“The news about the war in Ukraine is getting so fake that even an amateur can debunk it no time….[On 8/19/22], The Washington Post…published a big fake story about an alleged Russian intelligence failure at the beginning of the war: Russia’s spies misread Ukraine and misled Kremlin as war loomed."…The Myrotvorets, says the Washington Post,

used “data” [that] “was obtained by Ukraine’s security services”.

Details published by it were then

“confirmed by Ukrainian security officials”. This was

“corroborated by officials in Western governments" and

reviewed by The Washington Post”.

That still means that

the only source of that alleged ‘data’

are “Ukraine’s security services”

which, as the Washington Post notes, “have an interest in discrediting Russia’s spy agencies”.

That make the whole story about the alleged FSB failure

a garbage in-garbage out product based on

a sole source,

the fantasies created by

the Ukrainian secret services.

Which altogether tells you something about

the ‘quality’ of Ukraine war

reporting by the Washington Post.”


My selection of the top ten among comments at Moon of Alabama on 8/20/22:

24, 30, 31, 139, 140,

141, 174, 183, 196, 214:



“As a Brit, I’ve been watching the “Special Relationship” go from bad to much, much worse for decades, really since Iraq. The current regime is railroading the country into a neofeudal hellhole of Brexit, Covid, Ukraine and Tory corruption. There is no functional Opposition. People are dying unnecessarily and will do so in droves, in unheated homes or on the street, this winter. What truly frightens me is that UK, a prime instigator in Ukraine Nazism since 2014, could “win” in some way. It would accelerate the power dive into the US economic cesspit. It would encourage a British regime with no standards, no unions, no security, no health, no prosperity. So let’s have defeat. Preferably, defeat in spades, with a resounding failure for the establishment stooges who think they have nothing to lose. Let’s have a great reset that takes us back to a representative parliamentary democracy that actually thinks of the public from time to time. Victory for the West leads only to human misery and suffering on an inconceivable scale. Ask Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Yemen and all the rest who have benefitted from Western compassion.

Posted by: TPaine | Aug 20 2022 12:51 utc | 24″



[Responding to comment] “@aquadraht | Aug 20 2022 12:49 utc | 23

Those weapons were not sent to win any war. It’s not possible, not even with 300 himars. Most weapons sent are purely for terrorism, all sent these days have no other usage (don’t look only at US, Macaron has sent banned mines too). And they use them, frequently shooting at apartments and houses, including from himars.

According to Russian MoD message from today, Ukr are using chemical weapons now. Botulinum toxin and another chemical I’ve never heard before. They notified OPCW, which will surely ignore everything.

Posted by: rk | Aug 20 2022 13:09 utc | 30″



[Responding to comment #24 by] “TPaine | Aug 20 2022 12:51 utc | 24

I am WASP USA-ian as can be, born and raised here and noplace else I plan to call home, and I just want to agree; I’ve been waiting 40 years now for this, win or lose, just to get rid of these economic and “national security” parasites we’ve been infested with. Our doctors make us sick, and our military makes our lives precarious, our media make us uninformed, our jobs make us poor, our insurance bankrupts us, our food leaves us mal-nourished,

our goverment want to govern everywhere except here, and badly. It just goes on and on.

Posted by: Bemildred | Aug 20 2022 13:10 utc | 31″



“The U.S. is exceptional. All other countries have to fight the wars they can afford

but the U.S.

can fight multiple wars it cannot afford

without consequence

due to the

exorbitant benefit of the world reserve currency.

The ability to print limitless monopoly money and export the inflation to the rest of the world is, exceptional.

This fraudulent financialization is the foundation of U.S. power.

The purpose of war for every country except the U.S. is to win

or the consequences are dire for the loser.

The purpose of war for the U.S.

is NOT to win

but instead have a long protracted conflict, the resolution of which is irrelevant.

Win or lose the purpose of war for the U.S. is the exponential creation of debt

without which the debt based financial system would collapse, the very system that is the power of the U.S. empire. This is exceptional.

As I mentioned earlier the consequences of losing a war is dire for the defeated but

the U.S. has made sport of losing wars.

No country in history has lost more wars than the U.S. and yet

in no way is the U.S. diminished in it’s ability to wage war,

never lost territory or sustain damage. This is exceptional.

This debt based system is ending and with it, U.S. exceptionalism

but until then this is the most dangerous time in history for Russia, China and Iran and they know it.

Posted by: NewWorldDisorder | Aug 20 2022 20:02 utc | 139″



“Whoever controls the media controls the people. There can be no overthrow of government or revolution of any sort without taking control of or destroying the influence of mass media.

Western media is controlled by US and UK deep states.

About all that can be done is sit back and enjoy the cruise on the Titanic, perhaps get a lifeboat ready for family.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Aug 20 2022 20:04 utc | 140″



“US citizens have no way to influence US government decisions and therefore bear no responsibility. Democracy is defined as governance by the people,

but there are no mechanisms to facilitate that,

in these days of rampant communications.

Can you imagine a referendum

allowed to the people to vote on endless war?. . .never happen.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Aug 20 2022 20:06 utc | 141″



“The Ukraine proxy war is a money laundering operation for Western oligarchs and US political dynasty families. The propaganda that Ukraine is winning is

aimed at the American public

so they don’t demand to stop throwing good money after bad. The role of Western media is to keep gravy train flowing.

Posted by: Willow | Aug 20 2022 21:36 utc | 174″



[Responding to comment #24 by] “TPaine | Aug 20 2022 12:51 utc | 24

You could not have put it together any better.

If the West wins, everybody will lose. The psychopathy of Western leadership is nearing perfection.

Nothing is done for the benefit of people.

Posted by: catbonez | Aug 20 2022 22:01 utc | 183″



[Responding to comment by] “karlof1 | Aug 20 2022 22:17 utc | 187

Russia mod in their Georgia biolab briefing said the building in Tbilisi said there were four floors were only US personnel were allowed. I believe that was similar for some areas in the Ukraine labs. Even here in Australia at pine gap there is a section US only. All vassals have handed sovereignty to the US.

…Not that Australia had any anyway, head of state being a hereditary foreign monarch but now that is shared by the US. As for the non anglo states that have accepted this .. pure subversion–working in the interests of a foreign power.

US and UK very much like cancer.

Posted by: Peter AU1 | Aug 20 2022 22:45 utc | 196″



Blessings to Russia. Your existential fight for survival

represents a bigger battle for the evolution of our species

away from barbarism 

to something more humanistic.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 20 2022 23:59 utc | 214″


My comment: The Russian Federation is humanity’s only hope.



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