Sunday, March 27, 2022

Nobel Prize winner Solzhenitsyn thought the Gulag was bad until he experienced NATO and “western democracy.” Saw NATO as obsessed with stifling Russia’s sovereignty-BBC, 4/28/2006


[Image: Sept. 3, 2014,] 

4/28/2006, Solzhenitsyn warns of NATO plot,” BBC 

Russian writer and Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn has castigated NATO, accusing it of trying to bring Russia under its control. 

In a rare interview, the 87-year-old author accused [US taxpayer funded] NATO of “preparing to completely encircle Russia and deprive if of its sovereignty”.

Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the USSR in 1974 after having exposed the Soviet labour camp system.







[Image: 1/11/2010, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili praised US Senator John McCain for his strong support of Georgia during August 2008 [5 day] Russian-Georgian war.]

He returned to Russia in 1994. He has been a stern critic of Western values.

[Re: Western “values:Whatever the sympathy we may have for the people of the United States, their country is still the main predator of humanity. We can in no circumstance claim to share their “values." July 2019, Manlio Dinucci]

‘Thoughtless imitation’

In the interview published on Friday in the Moscow News, he lamented that “Western democracy is in a serious state of crisis”.

He pointed to the pro-Western opposition victories in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine as evidence that NATO’s influence was spreading closer to Russia.

“This involves open material

and ideological support

for the ‘colour revolutions’

and the paradoxical forcing of North Atlantic interests on Central Asia,” he said.

He praised President Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy as “sensible” but stressed that “an awful lot in Russia has yet to be lifted out of decline”.

He added that Russia had “opted for the most thoughtless form of imitation” of the West.

On Thursday, Mr Putin warned that Western opposition to Russian expansion in European markets could force Moscow’s companies to look elsewhere.

Solzhenitsyn won international acclaim in the 1970s for his descriptions of Soviet hard labour in such works as A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970.”

[“Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn died in Moscow in 2008 at age 89.”]



Image: Sept. 3, 2014,

9/3/2014, “Comment: Assurances from psychopaths are empty words. What are the repercussions of the breaking of international laws and treaties? There doesn’t seem to be any. The psychopaths currently running U.S./NATO policy know this, so there’s nothing stopping them from breaking any and all laws and pacts which are essentially impotent in the face of such psychopathy.”

9/2014, “An expanded North Atlantic Treaty Organisation essentially functions as the

enforcer of America’s financial and corporate dominance….

Today NATO serves to protect and extend the interests of Western international banking concerns, oil companies and other corporations.”…

“The [US taxpayer funded] Pentagon’s primary job today is to serve as

a resource extraction service

on behalf of corporate globalization,”

per Bruce Gagnon of the ‘Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space’ think tank.”




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