Sunday, March 6, 2022

Grotesque NATO swimming pool (I guess for pool party to celebrate Moscow regime change) included in $1.45 billion new NATO Glass Palace headquarters, office space equal to UN hq in NYC-Assar Architects, Reuters


New “NATO Glass Palace”cost $1.45 billion. NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium.

Above, new NATO swimming pool.Assar Architects image

4,200 staff expected by June 2018 “will work in a total office space similar in area to the United Nations headquarters in New York." New hq is size of ten football fields.

“It takes special bureaucratic skills to survive the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Warsaw Pact. And it takes super-special bureaucratic skills to then get a $1.23 billion headquarters [now said to be $1.45 billion] when the organization’s reason for existing disappeared nearly three decades ago.”

Above, :08 at Reuters video,

Above, Assar image

Above, Trump, the most heartless con man who ever lived, with fellow criminals against humanity at new NATO hq in 2017 @.43 on Reuters video.

Above, enormous meeting room at new NATO hq with plenty of room for new members, at 1:08 on Reuters video

The decision to replace the existing HQ was taken at the Washington Summit in 1999. NATO decided to build a new headquarters because the current building is at the end of its economic lifespan and no longer meets NATO’s needs. NATO has been based in the current building since 1967. Since then, the number of NATO members has almost doubled from 15 to 28 countries; a large number of Partners have also opened their diplomatic representations at NATO.

Total project costs: 1.1 B€ [$1.23 billion]

The new HQ will provide the space for:

• 1500 personnel from 28 national delegations,
1700 international military and civilian staff
• 800 staff from NATO agencies.
• Currently an average of 500 visitors per day

The new headquarters will provide over 254,000 m2 of space and the design of the building will allow for further expansion if needed. The move will make space available for the growing number of Partners’ offices, who will be located in a separate building on the NATO campus.

Original contracts and costs
Awarded contract costs:

*Demolition – De Meuter/Interbuild/CEI/DeMeyer, 10 M€
• Architecture, Design, Quality Mgmt – SOM-ASSAR, ACG, SOCOTEC, SNC- LAVALIN, 115 M€
• Construction – BAM Alliance 458 M€
Electronic Security – Siemens / Putman 17 M€
• Audio Visual Installations – Televic, 26 M€
Active Network – Lockheed Martin (now Leidos), 62 M€
• Other contracts, including additional IT, and furniture – approx. 60M€

Additional costs for: NATO Governance and Transition, Annual Revision, Contingencies, Construction security and Claim settlements. Total project costs: 1.1 B€ [$1.23 billion]

Above, Assar image

Above, Assar image




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